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Rather Than Focusing On Aesthetics, Technical Textiles Place Utility As Their Primary Objective

Anjali Pawar
Rather Than Focusing On Aesthetics, Technical Textiles Place Utility As Their Primary Objective

The textile business is not only seeing textiles used in clothes, but is also maintaining a strong focus on technical textiles, which are textiles used in non-clothing applications. The uniqueness and challenge of Technical Textiles lay in the requirement to comprehend and apply the fundamentals of textile science and technology to provide solutions, mostly to the most pressing technological issues but frequently also to engineering issues as well. Textiles used in construction include those for sun protection, soundproofing, insulation, air conditioning, façade foundation systems, interior construction, and sun reinforcement for reinforced concrete. architectural membranes, floor and wall coverings, scaffolding nets, awnings and canopies, signs, HDPE tarpaulins, and more.

Agro textiles are textiles that are utilised in agriculture. nets for finishing work, crop covers, mulch mats, shade nets, and others that provide protection from hail and birds. A special focus has been placed on unconventional technical applications, such as the use of Technical Textiles in the agriculture and horticulture sectors to increase the quality and efficiency of agriculture and food products in order to ensure a healthy environment, social-economic equity, and a successful economy. This is due to the growing awareness of the environment and the specific knowledge of the various interdisciplinary technologies. The use of materials that deteriorate gradually is becoming more popular (biodegradables).

Read more @ http://sparkblog45.weebly.com/article/technical-textiles-are-textiles-designed-primarily-for-utility-rather-than-aesthetics

Anjali Pawar
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