AI Products 


Amelia Muller

Remove Chlorine

Whole house water filters are great for removing chlorine from the entire home’s water supply. Excess or high levels of chlorine can be harmful to our health and even damage appliances like hot water heaters, washing machines, and dishwashers over time. Having a whole house filter will ensure all the water leaving your faucets is free from this hazardous chemical.

2. Reduce Pesticides 

Whole house filters are also able to greatly reduce the levels of synthetic pesticides in your drinking water. These chemicals have been linked to different types of cancers, so having a whole house filter in place will provide you with peace of mind when it comes to drinking clean water. 

3. Soften Hard Water 

Hard water can cause mineral deposits throughout household pipes which can lead to everything from low water pressure to dishwasher and washing machine damage from excess calcium buildup over time. Whole house filters help soften hard water by removing these minerals before they reach faucets or clog any pipes. 

4. Improve Taste 

Whole house filtering systems make tap water taste good by removing sediment, industrial pollutants, and other contaminants that can change the taste of your drinking water. This helps guarantee that not only is the water you’re consuming safe but it also tastes great as well! 

5. Reduce Sediment Content 

Sediment can cause lots of problems besides just changing the taste of your drinking water such as clogging dishwasher nozzles or showerheads, enabling microbes to grow inside pipes, discoloring laundry, or even plumbing flooding due to blockages in pipes. Whole house filters work by creating strong enough pressure for sediment particles and other unwanted substances which may be potentially dangerous for our health so that they get removed before entering our homes altogether!

Amelia Muller
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