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4 Benefits Of Dental Implants To Your Oral Health

Miramar Smiles Dentistry
4 Benefits Of Dental Implants To Your Oral Health

Your confidence and appearance may suffer if you have missing teeth. It's good to know that dental implants can now replace lost teeth with ones that look natural.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is inserted into the jaw to fill the gap left by a missing tooth root. A dentist, specifically a periodontist with expertise in dental implant surgery, performs the treatment. A prosthodontist is in charge of creating the visible parts necessary for crowns in the interim.

Long-term benefits of dental implants

Your broken or missing teeth can be replaced permanently through a dental implant procedure. Here are a few of the noteworthy advantages that influence consumers to buy one:

Implanted teeth last a very long time.

Dentists could select between zirconia and titanium to make the implants. These materials are remarkably corrosion-resistant and durable. This implies that even if you already have teeth, you won't need to replace them frequently.

In the long run, saving money by averting or decreasing future dental issues is quite beneficial. When properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime.

It lowers bone loss and tooth decay.

The titanium or zirconia material used in dental implants must gradually fuse with the bone over time. Once this procedure is successful, implants by themselves offer the new tooth considerable support. This alternative requires an existing tooth to serve as support, unlike dental bridges.

You will benefit more if you choose all-on-four implants. On one jaw, this dental implant can take the place of every natural tooth. Since the substance serves as the teeth and roots, bone loss is prevented. Due to the lack of pressure when chewing, missing teeth cause the jawbone to deteriorate.

Enhancement of speech

Missing teeth have a noticeable impact on how your words sound. When a dental implant replaces missing teeth permanently, it prevents speech problems, making it a superior choice to dentures.

Even when you strive to speak clearly, poorly fitted dentures may fall from their position with the smallest movement.

Strengthens self-esteem

Dentures and other tooth replacement solutions can make you feel self-conscious. Dental implants, on the other hand, make you feel terrific because they are overlooked as artificial teeth. You can smile and eat without fear of damaging your dentures.

When compared to other dental replacement procedures, implants are a favorable investment. Inquire with your dentist in Miramar for additional information on the benefits of this dental treatment.

Please contact our dental in Miramar, FL, We look forward to helping you attain a healthy, attractive smile. Find a dentist near you or book online now. 

Miramar Smiles Dentistry
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