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Everything You Need To Know About Laravel Development

Jack Salvator
Everything You Need To Know About Laravel Development

Laravel is one of the renowned open-source PHP frameworks that offer excellent features for the development of complex web applications fast and easily.

When it comes to PHP development for web applications Laravel framework is considered the top choice among others such as CodeIgniter development. Many custom web development companies are preferred for Laravel development due to its flexible and detailed syntax features and other easy-to-use functions.

What is the Laravel framework?

Laravel framework is part of the PHP-based web development framework and is based on MVC architecture. Laravel is an ideal PHP framework for developers that provide toolkits to a web app with some features required as per need.

The MVC (Model View Controller) architecture helps Laravel to handle various database entity models. Laravel is an open-source framework made simple and easy with some time-consuming features that make it faster for web applications like authentication, caching, routing, and more.

What you choose the Laravel framework?

1. Open-source:

Laravel framework is an open-source PHP framework that helps in developing large and complex websites easily and simply.

2. Blade templet engine

The blade templet engine is pre-installed on the Laravel framework. This helps in data management and helps in source code processing along with performance management. The blade templating engine offers directive and control statements and shortcuts for them. 

3. MVC architecture

One of the main benefits of the Laravel framework is the MVC architecture that makes it easy to code the web application in a structured way. This divides any application into three separate layers I.e. Model, View, and Controller.

4. Security

Laravel framework does not allow any security concerns or malware activities to enter the codebase. It also makes use of the Bcrypt Hashing algorithm for generating a hashed version of the password.

5. URL routing

Laravel supports URL routing which means showing the URL contained in the current webpage instead of redirecting to the link. Laravel has a built-in file configuration that is automatically loaded. 

6. Eloquent ORM 

Laravel framework supports the Eloquent ORM, which includes the PHP active record implementations. Laravel framework helps web app developers with PHP syntax rather than writing the SQL code.

7. Validation:

Laravel framework validation by default uses a ValidationRequest trait to control HTTP requests suitable. It mechanically checks errors in the session data and generates views.

Bottom line

If you want a robust and secure web application for your business website Laravel framework is the best choice because it offers in-build security Laravel features and scalable full-functioned web applications. Hire a trusted Laravel development company that provides the best Laravel development process and solution.

Jack Salvator
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