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What's New in Laravel 10: A Deep Dive Into Latest Features

Ace Infoway
What's New in Laravel 10: A Deep Dive Into Latest Features

1,672,117 websites that are Laravel Customers.

The symplicity and elegant syntax that Laravel offers, helps developers to write clean and maintainable code.

Additionally, Laravel's built-in support for Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and its query builder make it easy to interact with databases, making it a go-to choice for web developers.

Before Laravel 9, the major framework versions for Laravel were released approximately every six months.

But now,

Creators declared major releases to be annual.

As per the schedule, Laravel 10 release date is lined up on 7th February 2023.

However, this does not infer to immediately convert all your Laravel projects to its version 10, as all the major releases has two years of updates.

What’s New in Laravel 10? Features and Changes

💡App Security

Laravel showcases the most significant characteristics in its security functions. The Laravel 10 release also emphasis on it well-configured content security policy (CSP) that is capable to reduce the probability of user data theft and other malicious actions executed using cross-site scripting attacks. The other properties like the use of hashed and salted password mechanism also makes the app security stronger. 

💡PHP version update (8.1)

Laravel 10 requires the minimum version of PHP 8.1. This simply means that new features in Laravel 10 will no longer support the PHP ≤ 8 versions. In this context, the features coming with this league are totally worth it. Here are the features PHP 8.1 will include:

  • Consistent data classes
  • Use of nested attributes
  • Native support to Enums
  • First-class Callable syntax
  • No overridden in child classes
  • Explicit Octal numeral notation
  • Use of string keys to unpack arrays
  • Intersection types satisfy multiple constraints at the same time

💡New validation rule via Artisan

💡Native type declaration in skeleton

Discover all new features and upcoming enhancements in detail: https://bit.ly/3QYyYbm

Ace Infoway
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