Bimatoprost is an ophthalmic medication that is used to treat glaucoma, ocular hypertension, and eyelid swelling. It is a prostaglandin analog that is applied topically to the eye's surface. When it gets into the eye, bimatoprost is converted into an active metabolite, benzalkonium chloride, which lowers the pressure inside the eye. Benzalkonium chloride may also cause damage to soft contact lenses, so you should avoid wearing them while you are taking bimatoprost.
The main way that bimatoprost works is by increasing the amount of melanin, which gives your eyes their color. In addition, the medication stimulates the growth of new lashes. However, bimatoprost is not a cure for glaucoma, and the medication may not work as well in people who already have glaucoma. If you have glaucoma, your doctor will likely prescribe other eye medications to help control your condition.
While bimatoprost can reduce the swelling of the macula and improve vision, the side effects of this medication include eye irritation, darkening of the skin around the eye, and changes in your lashes and eyelids. These side effects will usually go away after you stop using the medication.
Some other side effects of bimatoprost include dry eye, increased eye pressure, redness of the eyes, and a feeling of something in the eye. If you experience these symptoms, you should see your ophthalmologist immediately. You should also tell your doctor if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the bimatoprost. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may require hospitalization and treatment.
Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions on the prescription label carefully. You will also need to be sure to follow the directions on your eye drop bottle. This is important because the instructions on the prescription label will tell you how often to use the eye drop and how much to use.
Generally, you should use the eye drop once a day in the evening. But you should never use more than the recommended dose. Using more than the recommended dose can be a serious problem. Too many drops can cause your eyes to become watery. Also, you should wait at least 15 minutes after putting in a drop before inserting another.
There is also a risk of bacterial keratitis when bimatoprost eye drops are used in conjunction with other eye drops. This condition occurs when the eye drop bottle becomes contaminated. To prevent bacterial keratitis, keep the eye drop bottle and dropper tip clean. Never reuse the applicator, as the risk of an eye infection is increased.
Bimatoprost can be safely used by women during pregnancy. However, women who are light-eyed should be careful because bimatoprost can change the color of their eyelids. During a clinical trial, 1.5% of participants reported darkening of their irises. Those who use lashline paint, however, did not report this type of side effect.
Before starting treatment, you should always talk to your ophthalmologist about all the medicines you are currently taking. They can recommend a method of remembering your medication, such as setting an alarm on your phone.