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Required Skill Level For ICT Security Specialist 262112

Required Skill Level For ICT Security Specialist 262112

Do you want to migrate to Australia by applying for the ICT Security Specialist 262112? If yes, then read this blog to know the requirements and other necessary things. Here, we will tell you about the visa provision, required skill level, English language criteria, and the like. However, before telling you all these things, we start with the job description and tasks.

Job description:

Before you apply for the occupation of ICT Security Specialist 262112, know the job description of the professional:

The professional establishes, manages, and administers a company’s ICT security policy and procedures. They do so to ensure preventive and recovery strategies are in place. Moreover, they make sure that these preventive and recovery strategies minimize the risk of internal and external security threats.

The professional coordinates and implements security measures to protect computer systems from unauthorized access. This critical role makes them responsible for the protection of an organization’s information.


  1. They design and main database architecture, data structures, tables, naming conventions, and dictionaries. Doing so lets them ensure the accuracy and completeness of all data master files.
  2. The specialist performs the operational establishment and preventive maintenance of backups and recovery procedures. In addition, they enforce security and integrity controls.
  3. These experts implement and administer database documentation, guidelines, procedures, and policies.
  4. The expert tests database systems and upgrades like debugging, reproduction, tracking, logging, and solving all identified problems. They do all these things according to approved quality testing scripts, processes, and procedures.
  5. Professionals accept the responsibility for the procedures, processes, and operational management related to system security and disaster recovery planning.
  6. They liaise with security vendors, suppliers, external sources, and service providers. Moreover, they recommend, analyze, install and maintain software security applications and monitor contractual obligations, performance delivery, and service standard agreements.
  7. The professional troubleshoot and offers service support in diagnosing and resolving. Furthermore, they help in repairing server-related hardware and software malfunctions, encompassing workstations and communication infrastructure.
  8. Professionals prepare and maintain documentation, instructions, and policies. Besides that, they record and detail operational procedures and system logs.
  9. It is their duty to make sure that the design of computer sites allows all components to fit together. In addition, they ensure that it works properly and monitor and adjust the performance of networks.
  10. They continuously survey the current computer sites to determine future network requirements. Besides that, they recommend enhancements in implementing future servers and networks.

When you prepare your RPL report, pay heed to all these tasks. Your job responsibilities must harmonize with them for a positive RPL ACS Australia assessment.

Job description in Australia:

In Australia, they are expected to plan, develop, manage, maintain and administer an organization’s database management systems. Moreover, they maintain, manage, develop and plan security policies and procedures to ensure:

  • Security
  • Optimal database and system integrity
  • Backup
  • Performance
  • Reliability

Visa provision:

This occupation features on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL). So, you can apply for a Skilled Nominated 190 visa or a Skilled Regional Nominated 489 visa.

If in this occupation and want to pursue a GSM visa, apply for state nomination to move to Australia.

Remember: This occupation is on the STSOL. However, it may happen that no Australian state currently has a need for professionals in this profession. The online evaluation only lists occupations currently in demand by a territory or state. Therefore, if the occupation doesn’t appear on the online assessment, consider looking for an employer sponsor in the country.

Required skill level:

Most occupations in this group have a skill standard harmonizing with a bachelor’s degree or higher qualification. A minimum of 5 years of related work experience or/and relevant vendor certification may substitute for the formal qualification. In some cases, related experience or/and on-the-job training may be a requirement besides the formal qualification (ANZSCO skill level 1). You must fulfill this requirement to attain a positive ACS skill assessment.

English language eligibility criteria:

For the occupation of ICT Security Specialist 262112, the English criteria are below:

  • An IELTS result with at least a score of 6 (R, W, L), 7 in speaking and 7 overall;
  • An OET result with at least a B grade in all sections;
  • A TOEFL iBT with at least (L:12, R:13, W:21, S:23 overall L93);
  • A PTE Academic with at least a score of 50 (W, R, L), 65 in speaking and 65 overall

Let’s have a look at the exceptions:

Australian graduate exceptions can apply in some territories/ states of Australia.

A Priority Skilled List may apply to a particular need in some Australian territories and states.

You don’t need to submit IELTS or IET if from the UK, Canada, New Zealand, the USA, and Ireland.


On the requirement of mandatory licensing/registration, demonstrate an English level sufficient to satisfy licensing/registration needs. Instead of that, you can also demonstrate a minimum IELTS, or equal, whichever is higher.

If you need more information regarding ICT Security Specialist 262112, contact us freely.

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