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ACS Assessment Requirements For Software Tester 261314

ACS Assessment Requirements For Software Tester 261314

Reading this article will help you if you are preparing for Australian immigration as an ICT professional (Software Tester 261314).

ACS Skills assessment requirements for Software Tester:

Unless you are free in some limited circumstances, you need to go through a positive Skills Assessment to apply for Australian immigration visas. Your qualifications and work experience will be conducted by ACS (Australian Computer Society), and you have to satisfy the following criteria:

A qualification that is equal in importance to AQF Bachelor Degree or higher with an ICT Major

If you have completed a course with an ICT Major closely related to the occupation of Software Tester 261314, fulfill the following requirements:

2 years of relevant work experience that has been completed within the past 10 years, or

4 years of related work experience completed anytime in your previous work history

If you have completed a course with an ICT Major unrelated to the occupation of Software Tester, satisfy the following requirements:

4 years of related work experience that you earned anytime in your previous work history

A qualification that is equivalent to AQF Bachelor Degree or higher with an ICT Minor

If you have completed a course with an ICT Minor closely related to the occupation of Software Tester, the following are the requirements:

5 years of related work experience that is completed in the past 10 years, or

6 years of related work experience that is completed anytime in your previous work history

In the case of having done a course with an ICT Minor not closely related to the occupation of Software Tester, satisfy the following needs:

6 years of related work experience that is completed anytime in your previous work history

A qualification that is equivalent to AQF Diploma or Vendor Certification

If you have completed a course with an ICT Major that is closely relevant to the occupation of Software Tester 261314, satisfy the following needs:

5 years of related work experience that is completed within the past 10 years, or

6 years of related work experience that is completed anytime in your previous work history

If you have completed a course with an ICT Major not closely related to the Occupation of Software Tester, satisfy the following needs:

6 years of related work experience that is completed anytime in your previous work history.

Australian Computer Society also accepts prior learning (RPL).

If having a Non-ICT qualification not equivalent to AQF Diploma or higher, the following are the requirements:

6 years of relevant work experience that is completed anytime in your previous work history, and

Recognition of Prior Learning application

If you have no tertiary qualification but have work experience only, fulfill the following requirements:

8 years of related work experience, and

Recognition of Prior Learning Application

Keep in mind: A prior learning application needs you to show how you attained your ICT knowledge. You need to submit 2 Project Reports with an RPL application. It’s wise to take reference from an RPL ACS skill assessment sample so that you write your report in a systematic way.

The following Vendor Certifications are acceptable, as they are equivalent to AQF Diploma level qualifications:

Cisco Certifications

Microsoft Certifications

An Australian qualification that has been recognized by ACS has a high chance of fulfilling the ICT Major Criteria. However, it may not necessarily be evaluated as being closely relevant to your nominated occupation. So, it’s important to make sure that you nominate the correct occupation.

ACS will only accept employment that is completed after the date you have fulfilled the ACS Suitability Criteria as Skilled Employment. In other words, ACS will consider pre-qualification employment experience.  

Software Tester 261314

ACS skill assessment sample

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