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How to Look Your Best At Graduation: Finding the Perfect Stole

Supreme Cap and Gown
How to Look Your Best At Graduation: Finding the Perfect Stole

You've put in the effort, and it's finally time to reward yourself with a party! Regarding their importance to your family, graduation pictures are slightly behind diplomas. There is no reason to be anxious! At Tassel Depot, we have everything you need, including graduation honor cords, to look your absolute best at your graduation, so don't worry about a thing!


Most people consider caps, gowns, and tassels to be graduation outfits, and while they are partially correct in this assumption, there is still something missing from this ensemble. The graduation stole is an item that is frequently ignored but has the potential to help you stand out from the crowd.

What Is the Definition of a Graduation Stole?


A graduation stole is a decorative accessory typically worn to signify great performance in a specific academic discipline. The stole is wrapped loosely over the wearer's neck like a scarf and is like graduation honor cords. In many cases, the only components of a graduation outfit that can be customized are the stoles and the tops of the graduation hats. Other times, the entire outfit can be customized.

The Ideal Shawls for You to Wear to Your Graduation


Customization options for stoles are available at Tassel Depot, including color and branding selection. We provide twelve color options for you to choose from so that you can distinguish yourself without causing any visual conflict with your graduation cap and gown. After you've decided what color you want, you can send in a personalized design or logo to be embroidered on the stole you order.

Should the Color of Your Stole Coordinate with Your Cap and Gown?


A quick response? Since today is about you, you can wear any color you like!


If you want to be seen in a crowded room, choosing a hue that contrasts with its surroundings can be just what you need to do.


You can't go wrong with a traditional white, silver, or black stole, which complements any color graduation gown. This is especially true for graduates who prefer a more subtle look.


Design Your Logo


Because graduation tassels and stoles are usually worn to represent academic distinction or participation in a group or club, there is a good likelihood that you are already familiar with your organization's logo. For instance, if you are a sorority or fraternity member, you could wish to embroider the letters of your chapter's name on a patch.


Individuals interested in developing their one-of-a-kind graduation tassels and stoles have sent Tassel Depot a variety of original designs for logos. Many graduates feel that their culture plays a significant role in their identity. As a result, many choose to incorporate their nation's flag into the design of their personalized graduation stole. Get creative with the logo design for your graduation stole as long as you stay within the parameters set by your institution.


Utilizing a Tailored Shawl Will Help You Shine at Your Graduation


What should you do now that you have your graduation cap and gown, tassels, cords, and customized stole? Be sure you hand in those last tasks, set a reminder for the day you will graduate, and then finally have some fun!

Supreme Cap and Gown
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