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Best In-Depth Information About Dental Implants

Sam Khoury
Best In-Depth Information About Dental Implants

What Is A Dental Implant?

A manufactured Dental Implants Bucks County PA implant serves as a tooth's root replacement. It comprises inserting a titanium post surgically into the jawbone where the lost teeth are located. Titanium is utilized because it is compatible with bone and enables the bone to grow around the screw, keeping it firmly attached, just like when someone gets a hip or knee replacement.

The gap left by the missing tooth is then filled, and the smile is restored by affixing a natural ceramic crown or tooth to the top of the implant.

Increasingly, dental implants replace lost teeth because of their aesthetic and practical advantages.



With proper maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Unlike dentures, they often do not need to be changed after a specific amount of time.

Dental implants are typically relatively simple to maintain because you would follow the same oral hygiene routine as you would for your natural teeth. This calls for frequent brushing, flossing, and dental visits.

With no clicking noises, speaking, or chewing issues that might occur with dentures, implants appear and feel like natural teeth.

Disadvantages Of Dental Implants

Sometimes it takes more than one consultation to finish the dental implant process. It may take some time for the implant to merge with your jawbone. A temporary tooth will be fitted over the space during this period.

Although the surgical method for placing Dental Implants in Media, PA is considered safe, problems are always possible. Infection, nerve damage, and bleeding are possible risks. You run a higher chance of contracting an infection if you smoke and practice poor hygiene.

Here Are A Few Guidelines To Follow Because The Healing Process Should Be Handled With The Utmost Care:

Ingest Your Medication

You must take the medication your dentist prescribed for you during the first few days after implant surgery. Once the anesthetic wears off, this will aid in reducing any pain and discomfort.

Monitor Your Diet.

After surgery, it's crucial to eat soft foods that don't require a lot of chewing. Yogurt, soup, eggs, and mashed potatoes are all excellent options. As your body heals, you can progressively add more complex foods, but consult your dentist or surgeon first.

No Smoking

The body's ability to heal is hampered by smoking and another tobacco usage, which will cause the healing process to take much longer than it should. Additionally, there is a higher chance of implant failure. It's best to stop smoking before the treatment and until healing is complete to prevent difficulties. We advise trying to stop altogether whenever possible.

If you need Dental Implants in Media, PA, then call us!

Sam Khoury
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