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Yara’s Immigration

Yara's Immigration
Yara’s Immigration

We can help make your immigration dreams come true! We are Canadian immigration consultants, licensed under CICC (College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants). 

With our 3 step program, we can help you immigrate to Canada in no time! 

Step 1: Immigration Program/Stream 

Obtain eligibility requirements for chosen immigration program 

Step 2: Gather Documents 

Collect all necessary documents and fill out all required forms related to the chosen immigration program 

Step 3: Submit Application and Documents 

Wait for outcome (which is not guaranteed) from the immigration officer 

Our services include: 

-Canadian Citizenship 

Requirements include, living in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 3 out of 5 years or 1,095 days.

-Study Permits 

To study in Canada, you need to get an acceptance letter from a designated learning institution (DLI)

-Visitor Visa 

You need a visitor visa to get into Canada temporarily as a tourist. You can stay for a maximum duration of six (6) months.

-Super Visa 

This is designated only for parents/grandparents and allows them to stay for 5 years at a time.

-Spousal Sponsorship 

If you want to bring your spouse to Canada, you need to prove you are married and make sure it is accepted by Canada.

-Express Entry Immigration 

This program allows you to apply for Permanent Residence. This program includes Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)


Learn More: https://yarasimmigrationinc.com/ 

How We Can Help 

If you need an Immigration Consultant in North York, contact our office today! You can also learn more information on our website! 

Yara's Immigration
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