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6 tips for applying mascara like a pro

6 tips for applying mascara like a pro

Do you think mascara is applied without any particular technique? Imagine that there are tricks, and it does not mean that "pretty eyelashes" will rhyme with "not easy"! We were lucky that professional make-up artist, shares her easy secrets for lashes that are never ugly again!

Mascara tip 1 - Strike a pose

Do you also open your mouth when you apply mascara? - Ready to swallow the flies... - Well, it's off to a bad start! Pause, we take the right pose: look up, it makes your chin lift, and therefore close your mouth! This is THE position to adopt for any make-up incidentally: eyes half-open, enough to be able to apply make-up to the eyelid, while seeing what's going on - and avoid breakage! -.

Mascara tip 2 - Without upside down

If you do like us, you apply your l'oreal unlimited mascara price in Pakistan on the underside of the eyelashes, which seems to be the normal gesture, isn't it? Imagine Pomponnette that we have it all wrong: it weighs down the eyelash - yes, it's Jean-Michel Newton's law of gravitation - and therefore it's not tip top for the curvature of your eyelashes!

Ah, and here's another reason to convince you to start from the top: the lashes don't grow like leeks - as Carine would say - but in 3 or 4 rows, so if you only apply from below, you forget about 25% of the mass, so I might as well tell you that you are not putting all the chances on your side to have volume - we say that, we say nothing -!

Mascara tip 3 - Go brush yourself

Do you also think that the bigger the brush, the more volume it gives to your eyelashes? Hey, we got it all wrong again!

In fact, to give volume, the trick is to apply mascara well at the base of the eyelashes! Like blow-drying at the hairdresser's - after all, eyelashes or hair, same fight! -: it will swell the root to give volume, and not the ends, do you agree? - So the pro primping gesture: it's to start at the level of the eyelashes - as close to the level as possible! - And for that, it's much more practical to have a small malleable brush to avoid getting it everywhere! - Even if afterwards, the cotton swab is your best friend, well, unless it's plastic, huh! –

Mascara tip 4 - Eyelash by eyelash, one on one

And for perfect eyelashes, the pro primping gesture is to finish with a mini zig zag at the base of the eyelashes to separate them!

Mascara Tip 5 - The Lower Lashes Debate

Do you, like us, never know whether to wear it or not? To help you make your choice, Carine guided us:

If you have dark circles: avoid! It will mark them even more...

If your lash line is not regular: avoid again! It will accentuate the fact that they are diffuse and it will not be.

- In what case do we put it then? - If you have regular lower lashes and don't have panda eyes! But we take it easy all the same so as not to go from panda to butterfly if you know what we mean! - Yes, we like animals. -

Mascara Tip 6 - One Way

We see you doing like us - before - several round trips in your bottle telling you that it will impregnate the brush well, huh? Stop! - Return trips are only with the SNCF -. With mascara, we put it in, we take it out, period! Otherwise, we incorporate air inside and it will make it dry faster...

The only time you can do this is during the first use to prime the product and soak the brush well.

So, did we teach you things? Are you happy that we chatted a little with Carine? You can tell her thank you in the comments if thanks to her you have amazing eyelashes!

If you want to know how to apply your lipstick, it's here & if you want to know more about Pomponne natural eyelash booster mascara, it's here! Reana.pk!

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