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jone max
Custom Mascara Boxes

Customize Quality Boxes at a Reasonable Rate

Do you want to collaborate with the best packaging solution in the world? Then you've come to the right place, as we offer excellent customization tools and box material at reasonable rates with no hidden fees and charges.

Custom mascara boxes are available at competitive market rates but need to compete with our experience. We have been in the packaging industry for many years and have the most experienced and talented team. So, take advantage of the opportunity to work with experts at reasonable rates. Furthermore, during the new year 2023 sale, you can get a variety of mascara boxes at steep discounts. But remember that this is a limited-time offer that could end anytime. So, make sure to place your order at iCustomBoxes.

Use the best packaging material for mascara packaging

The cheap quality material raises a question about the brand standard. Which is not acceptable for us at any cost and the same as you think. So, get the best quality material from us to maintain your brand standard. We have cardboard, Kraft, rigid and corrugated material boxes. All of these are eco-friendly and 100 recyclable. Choose wisely whether you want box material for shipment purposes or retail or promotional purposes. Let us explain a bit.

 a) Cardboard material boxes

You can use cardboard material boxes for regular packaging. It is available in the brown shade in natural form, but it is easy to print and customize. More, it is more economical than other packaging materials. So, if you want durable mascara boxes at budget-friendly rates, go with it.

 b) Kraft material boxes

The Kraft is more than the cardboard. It is available in white shade in bleached and brown in natural form. You can easily customize it in any design or color with PMS and CMYK color schemes. Or if you don’t want to spend on printing, use white Kraft instead.

 c) Rigid material boxes

Do you want exclusive packaging for mascara boxes for promotional purposes? Then use rigid material boxes. They are available in collapsible or non-collapsible forms. And ideally durable and expensive in rates.

 d) Corrugated material boxes

Are you running an import and export business? Then it would be best if you needed shipment boxes. You can use corrugated material boxes for that purpose. They are 100% durable and secure to dispatch bundle stock. Also, you can Customize Boxes at any size according to the requirement. And to intensify durability, you can add flutes in them. Elevate the custom mascara box durability with laminations or coatings. The crumbled or wrinkled box can destroy the whole box gracefully. 

Protect the box surface with lamination or coating if you don’t want that to happen. They work as an extra layer of protection to increase custom box durability. As a result, the box keeps safe from perforations, crumbing and other external hazards. Moreover, the laminations and coatings help to intensify the box’s appearance. For example, the box without lamination feels rough and dry while touching, but with their help, it deems smooth to handle the box. 

Customize mascara boxes in perfect dimensions

As we claim, you can use any box style for mascara boxes. But it’s necessary to customize it in the accurate dimension you ask for. Don’t worry. We are experts. We will customize it perfectly according to your order. Here are a few suggestions for box styles.

 1. Straight and reverse tuck end boxes

For a regular business, you can use straight and reverse box styles. It is old but convenient for regular packaging. For embankments, you can customize them with hanging tabs and die-cut windows. Besides that, you can use other add-ons, for example, hot stamp foiling in any shade.

 2. Sleeve and tray box style

Nowadays, promotional boxes are in fashion to attract buyers. Use sleeve and tray boxes if you want promotional boxes for mascara packaging. They consist of a tray with a flexible bottom, like a matchbox. Besides that, you can use a two-piece box style or tuck front box. 

 3. Custom display boxes

The mascaras are tiny products, and displaying tiny boxes takes work. Thus, the product must be on display. You can use display boxes. 

Print mascara boxes in different designs and shades

The printed boxes are most likely by the buyers. If you want people to like your custom mascara box, print them with other techniques, images and shades. After that, give them exclusive touch with iCustomBoxes add-ons options.

Reference: https://bit.ly/3HxHonb

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