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The Science of Stress Ball Marketing

1001 Stress Balls
The Science of Stress Ball Marketing

They're nicknamed "stress balls," but do they actually work to relieve tension? Or are they simply a useful promotional item? It was discovered somewhere in our social past that we deal with a lot of stress and that squeezing into a solid but fluffy ball would assist alleviate that stress. 

But is it science or just excellent marketing? It's a little bit of both! The truth is that humans have been using stress balls for a very long time. Today's stress balls are a little more 'flashy,' going beyond the plain skill of stress relief. Likewise, the brain stress balls which are great one.

Know it best

The science behind a stress ball is that it serves to distract and often provides emotional release through continuous squeezing. A stress ball can help with more than just mental stress; it can also aid with physical problems like arthritis and rheumatism, as well as enhance blood circulation. 

How it can be used for promotion?

Now that we have a better understanding of science, you will see how it relates directly to the promotional part of the incredible stress ball offer! If you have a product that encourages stress reduction and an improvement in positive hand mechanics, you have a freebie that clients will appreciate. Even better, contrary to popular opinion, a tension ball does not have to be spherical to be useful. 

This is where you come in and create a healthy item for your own brand campaign. Consider our organisation. We could construct a stress ball shaped like a gorilla head or a small gorilla. The stress ball (or stress gorilla) would promote the benefits of good health, but people may approach you and ask why you are squeezing so tightly onto a little gorilla. We might take our promotional effort a step further by designing a banana-shaped stress ball with all of the colours and characteristics of a typical grocery store banana. Customize the stress banana with our logo and company name, and there you have it: another wonderful product to promote our brand.

This is where you come in and develop a healthy product for your own brand campaign. Consider any company. They may make a stress ball in the shape of a brain or a little human head. Although the stress ball (or stress brain) would promote the benefits of good health, others may approach you and wonder why you are gripping so firmly. It could take our promotional efforts a step further by creating a brain-shaped stress ball that features all of the colours and attributes of a human brain. Customize the stress balls with your logo and firm name, and you've got yourself yet another fantastic product for promoting our brand.


Isn’t that a great idea! Surely it is. So make use of this technique right now and see the change. It would be a best and unique way to spread your brand throughout people. 

1001 Stress Balls
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