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Preparing Preschoolers for Kindergarten: What to Expect in 2023


Are you a parent of a preschooler in Bangalore getting ready for their big transition to kindergarten in 2023? It can be an exciting and nerve-wracking time for both you and your child. But with the right preparation and understanding of what to expect, in Best Preschool in Bangalore you can ease the transition and set your child up for success in their academic journey.

First and foremost, it's important to understand that kindergarten is a big step up from Best Preschool in Bangalore in terms of academic expectations. While preschool focuses on socialization, play-based learning, and developing basic skills like counting and recognizing shapes, kindergarten introduces more structured learning and a greater emphasis on literacy and math skills.

In terms of literacy, your child will be expected to know their letters and the sounds they make, as well as being able to recognize and write their own name. They should also have a basic understanding of concepts like rhyming and the concept of a word. In terms of math, your child should be able to count to 20 and recognize basic shapes and patterns.

To help your child prepare for these expectations, it's important to prioritize reading and counting in your daily routine. Encourage your child to practice writing their name and other simple words, and play counting and shape recognition games with them.

It's also essential to have a Best Preschool in Bangalore, where your child can learn the fundamentals of reading and writing, and develop their social and emotional skills. Cherubs Montessori, for example, offers a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on developing children's natural curiosity and independence, with an emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning.

Another important aspect of preparing for kindergarten is developing your child's social and emotional skills. Kindergarten is a big step up from preschool in terms of independence and responsibility. Children will be expected to follow classroom rules and routines, work well with others, and be able to express themselves appropriately.

To help your child develop these skills, it's important to encourage independence and responsibility at home. In Best Preschool in Bangalore gives your child simple tasks to complete, such as helping with household chores or making their own bed, and praise them for their efforts. Also, work on teaching your child how to express their emotions and needs in an appropriate way and how to be a good listener.

It's also important to keep in mind that every child is different and will develop at their own pace. Don't compare your child to others or put too much pressure on them.


Preparing your preschooler for kindergarten in 2023 can be a big task, but with the right approach, you can ensure that your child is ready to take on this new challenge. Remember that reading and counting are essential, having a Best Preschool in Bangalore like Cherubs Montessori, and focusing on your child's social and emotional skills are key. Remember to be patient and supportive, and most importantly, enjoy the journey with your child.

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