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Arthritis Treatment in Nashik – Dr. Pritam Pawar

Dr pritam pawar
Arthritis Treatment in Nashik – Dr. Pritam Pawar

What is Arthritis?

An inflammatory joint condition called arthritis makes joints enlarge. Bones meet in parts of the body called joints, which are referred to as joints. The movement of the bodily parts connected to a bone by a joint is its purpose. Swelling in one or more joints is the exact definition of arthritis. There are more than a hundred different forms of arthritis, each with a unique aetiology and course of treatment. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most prevalent forms. The top spine specialist in Nashik and a provider of arthritis treatment in Nashik is Dr. Pritam Pawar.

Joint discomfort is a symptom of arthritis. Polyarthritis is the term for arthritis that affects four or more joints simultaneously. The signs of arthritis typically become apparent with ageing, although they can occasionally strike suddenly. Although it can occur in children, teenagers, and younger adults, it is most frequently found in adults over the age of 65. Overweight individuals and women experience it more frequently than males do.


What are the Symptoms of Arthritis?

·       Redness

·       Swelling

·       Pain

·       Warmth

·       Limping

·       Locking of the joint

·       Decrease of joint range of motion

·       Stiffness

·       Weakness in the joints

The range of motion may also be reduced as a result of arthritis, and the skin around the joint may become reddish. Mornings are worse for symptoms. Due to the swelling that the immune system's activity creates in rheumatoid arthritis, you could feel exhausted or lose your appetite. Red blood cell count also drops, and the person may experience a mild temperature. Untreated rheumatoid arthritis can lead to abnormalities in the joints.

What Causes Arthritis?

The main contributors of degenerative arthritis are unintentional wounds, an unbalanced metabolism, a family history of the condition (such as osteoarthritis), infections, and an overactive immune system. When possible, treatment plans focus on the particular causes of arthritis. In your joints, cartilage is a strong but flexible connective tissue. It shields the joints from the pressure and force that come with movement and motion. Some types of arthritis are brought on by reduced amounts of this cartilage tissue. An injury to the joints might accelerate the cartilage's normal deterioration. A person is more likely to get arthritis if there is a family history of the condition.

Rheumatoid arthritis is yet another typical form of arthritis. It's an autoimmune condition. It happens when the body's immune system attacks the tissues. Invading and destroying a joint, Rheumatoid Arthritis is a synovial illness that eventually affects the bone and cartilage within the joint.

What is the Treatment for Arthritis?

·       Treatment options include

·       Medications

·       Non-pharmacological treatments include joint replacement surgery

·       Joint replacement surgery

·       Physical or occupational therapy

·       Splints

·       Other joint assistive devices

The purpose of treatment is to lessen your current discomfort and prevent further joint damage. To lessen discomfort, people use ice packs and heating pads. To help relieve pressure on aching joints, some persons also use mobility support tools like canes or walkers. It's also crucial to work on your joint functionality. To achieve the best outcomes, a doctor could also suggest a combination of therapy modalities. Dr. Pritam Pawar strives to deliver the greatest and most dependable patient care services, and he offers the best arthritis treatment in Nashik.

Dr pritam pawar
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