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standing desk

Height-adjustable desks offer greater comfort and allow the workstation to be adapted to the individual's height. They help reduce one-sided stress and improve health, performance, and well-being. There is no legal entitlement to such a desk, but many employers provide a height-adjustable desk for employees - at work or in the home office. Subsidies may be considered through pension or health insurance.

Why are these the best desks?

Adjustable height desks are office furniture that allows the height of the desktop to be varied. This allows the working height to be adjusted to the size and needs of the user and makes it easier to switch between sitting and standing. These tables are equipped with technology that allows the tabletop to be adjusted either electrically or with a hand crank. The advantage of height-adjustable desks is that the entire work surface is adjustable, unlike simple desk supports. They are especially convenient for people who want to change their posture several times a day to improve health, circulation, and productivity.


But what about the cost? A standing desk can be more expensive than other desks. There is no legal requirement for employers to cover the cost of a height-adjustable desk. It is an ergonomic way to adjust the workstation to the needs of the worker, but it is not mandatory. However, employers are required to make the workplace ergonomic and provide opportunities for breaks to promote employee health and productivity. This applies to both the corporate workplace and the home office. It's also especially important because, unlike a professionally furnished office, many workers sit at home in improvised solutions, such as at a kitchen table or a quick set-up workstation.

A healthier workplace

Enables healthier work: A height-adjustable desk provides alternating stress on muscles and the spine, which relieves strain on neck and shoulder muscles and improves circulation to all joints and organs. This increases well-being, performance, and the ability to concentrate.


More flexibility and space: By adjusting the height of the table, you can customize your workstation. You can also flexibly arrange the placement of the equipment and optimally adapt both individual workstations and group workstations to the work situation.



A height-adjustable desk makes it easier to switch between sitting and standing by making it simple and convenient to adjust the height of the desk to suit individual needs. This makes it possible to regularly change posture and avoid one-sided strain without taking up extra space or requiring extra effort. It is a useful support to enable the sit-stand change several times a day.

The accessories should also be adapted

The size of the keyboard and the orientation of the mouse should also be adapted to the body measurements and physiognomy of the respective user to enable optimal work.

A height-adjustable desk enables perfect adaptation to individual body dimensions and physiognomy as well as to the available equipment.


A standing desk offers the possibility to switch regularly between sitting and standing. This is recommended by doctors to promote health and reduce one-sided stress. The switch can be made by adjusting the height manually or electrically. For optimal use, you should change postures at least 2-3 times per hour and take regular breaks to move around and assume different postures. Additionally, a slow-moving treadmill or short walks can help increase movement in the office.

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