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Functional Nutritionist | Index Clinic

Index Clinic
Functional Nutritionist | Index Clinic

Before the discovery of the human genome, scientists believed that virtually all questions regarding the causes of disease would be resolved. However, our functional medicine doctor at Index Clinic discovered that human biology is far more complex than that. Humans are not genetically predisposed to many diseases; rather, various factors, including stress, environment, lifestyle, diet, exercise patterns, and psychosocial-spiritual factors, affect how genes are expressed. Our Functional Medicine concept is a personalised, patient-centered, scientific approach that enables patients and healthcare professionals to collaborate in order to treat the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal functional nutritionist health. It necessitates a comprehensive understanding of each patient's genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle characteristics and employs this knowledge to guide individualised treatment strategies that improve patient outcomes.

Our functional medicine at Index Clinic is a health approach that aims to provide patients with patient-centred, evidence-based therapy. Our available physicians collaborate with experts from several fields to get a thorough knowledge of what is occurring in the body. To create a therapy strategy that targets the underlying cause of the problem, our doctor may consider the patient's genetic makeup, metabolic composition, and lifestyle variables. You get familiar with our Functional physicians as a person. We don't only focus on your medical background. We gather detailed medical history and lifestyle data to provide a thorough picture of your health functional nutritionist. With this examination, we may pinpoint the causes of a disease and its symptoms and develop a strategy for treating the underlying issue. 

According to functional medicine, fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterised by systemic inflammation. There are numerous factors to investigate in order to determine the cause and stop treating only the symptoms. Focusing on a person's unique bio-individuality and health, our functional medicine doctor at Index Clinic creates treatment plans that may include supplements, as well as other natural treatments and dietary guidelines, to improve disease, better manage symptoms, and enhance health and happiness. Our functional medicine is centred on identifying and treating the root causes of disease. It is a strategy based on systems biology. A person's illness may have multiple causes, each of which can be identified through a symptom or differential diagnosis.

Index Clinic
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