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Top Features of Superboost WiFi-Amped WiFi

 Top Features of Superboost WiFi-Amped WiFi

Before buying a Superboost WiFi extender, you should go through this article which explains the features of the device in detail. We have covered all the points that you need to know before purchasing WiFi extender. We have compiled a list of all the top features of the Superboost WiFi device.

Fast Setup

The best feature of the Superboost WiFi extender setup. The process is very simple to carry out. Someone with little to no experience in IT can complete the setup process very quickly. All you need is the correct hardware, and you will be done within a few minutes.

Makes the Network fast

This is the reason why most people buy a WiFi Range Extender in the first place. Superboost increases the rate of data transfer on the WiFi network. The Superboost is a device which can increase the data transfer rate to the maximum available bandwidth provided to you by the internet service provider.

Makes the Network Reliable

If you are running an organisation or a business which uses WiFi networks for most of the work, you need to make sure that the network that is installed in your workplace is reliable. The downtime of such a WiFi network should be as low as possible. Ideally, it should be zero.

Superboost makes it possible to achieve zero downtime. After installing the device, you don’t have \to worry about your WiFi network going down at any time.

Compact Design

Superboost is a very compact WiFi networking device. You don't have to worry about finding a place to set it up because all you have to do is plug it in a power socket and set it up with your existing WiFi network. The process of installation is as simple as it can get.

WPS Function

WPS push button is something that makes connecting to the WiFi network very simple and convenient. To connect multiple devices to your WiFi network, all you have to do is press the button present on the front of the Superboost, and you can connect all your WiFi devices with the push of a button without having to re-enter the WiFi password.

Removes WiFi Dead Zones

WiFi zone is the region in the WiFi network that does not have network coverage. You can not access the internet or the WiFi network from a WiFi dead zone. After installing the Superboost, most of the WiFi zones will be eliminated. You can access the internet from any corner of the WiFi zone.


Superboost is a very economical device. It doesn't cost much and provides a lot of interesting features that you will require regularly.

30 days Money Back

If you are not satisfied by the performance of the Superboost device, you can get it replaced or exchanged in 30 days. The company claims to offer the money back if the product is found to have a manufacturing defect or if it doesn't work as claimed.

These were some of the features that made Superboost a great WiFi range extender for home and office uses. The device can be used to extend the WiFi network of small to medium-sized WiFi zones. If you too are suffering from poor WiFi signal and low WiFi speeds, you can go ahead and purchase a Superboost WiFi network.

If you have new technical queries, you can contact the customer support or the technical team and get all your doubts cleared before purchasing a product. The support that you get with the product is very good. The product is completely worth investing a little bit of money in.

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