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Should You Get Invisalign as an Adult

Family Dentistry and Dental Specialists Group
Should You Get Invisalign as an Adult

Having crooked teeth can kill your confidence. There are different solutions offered today, but most people will avoid standard metallic braces. Why? Many adults are looking for different options such as Invisalign in Kissimmee. If this procedure is performed by a dentist with experience and the proper qualifications, you can expect a dramatic improvement in your smile and appearance.

Should Adults Get Invisalign Near You

Around 20% of patients looking for orthodontic treatment are adults. Adult teeth are more secure in their place compared to when they were 10 years old. However, it is still possible to move them to their proper positions. We simply must make sure that the right force will be applied. Here are some reasons why adults should ask their dentist in Kissimmee about Invisalign.

It is Less Obvious

Most adults will prefer Invisalign, especially those who are conscious of their appearance. They do not want others to know that they are wearing aligners. Compared to clear braces and metallic braces, Invisalign is less noticeable. However, during the adjustment period, you will notice that it will be difficult to pronounce certain words. Slowly, your mouth will become more familiar with your Invisalign. You will feel more at ease when wearing them.

It is Convenient

Taking care of your teeth is easier when you choose Invisalign. While it is recommended to brush your teeth after a meal and before you wear your Invisalign, the process will not be complicated. There are no wires and elastic bands that can be damaged. Simply remove it, enjoy your favorite meal, brush your teeth and rinse your Invisalign before placing it back in your mouth. The instructions provided by the dental clinic near you will be simple and easy to understand.

No Annoying Foods That Will Be Trapped in Your Aligners

Probably, the main complaint of adults wearing metallic braces is that their braces are constantly collecting food debris. You can just feel those particles hiding in the brackets and wires, which is so annoying. The construction and position of the metallic braces make them highly likely to trap foods. Once you choose Invisalign in Kissimmee, you will not have to deal with this problem. You can remove it and enjoy your meal without any discomfort. This is not an advantage offered by other treatment options.


Invisalign is designed to gradually shift your teeth to their proper places. It will only apply the necessary force. Therefore, you will also experience less discomfort compared to those who opt for metallic braces. The adjustment period of Invisalign near you is also significantly shorter and it doesn’t involve edges and brackets—you won’t have to deal with mouth sores. The common problems that you will encounter with traditional braces will not be found in Invisalign.

Lesser Appointments

Adults will usually have a very hectic schedule. Therefore, they want a treatment that will be convenient and will not disrupt their daily routine. While Invisalign will require you to have an appointment with your dentist in Kissimmee, expect that there will still be fewer appointments required. Every time week you will be required to wear the Invisalign for two weeks before it will be replaced with a newly adjusted dental tray.

By the time you reach your adult years, you probably believe that it is too late to find a solution to your misaligned teeth. With Invisalign in Kissimmee, you will not only fix the problem, but you will also enhance the function of your jaw and prevent the problem from becoming severe.

Visit our clinic at 4250 Town Center Blvd, Orlando, FL 32837, United States

Family Dentistry and Dental Specialists Group
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