AI Products 

Overview Crypto Rente

Heike Schwanz
Overview Crypto Rente

Global asset management in the crypto market & control through regular rebalance and swaps. The Crypto Rente without capital depletion represents a regulated investment of TOP cryptocurrencies secured with stablecoins like the USDT.

It is available from the 12 month with the particularity that the deposit is preserved!

A Crypto Rente with fixed swaps is a compilation of various cryptocurrencies which are invested securely at fixed conditions. Through fixed negotiated conditions with the largest crypto exchanges in the world, we ensure a long-term pension payout. After expiration, the bonus of the price fluctuation is added. Experts assume enormous developments here.


The current composition of the Сrypto Rente is currently composed of 50% TOP cryptocurrencies and up to 50% USDT. We hold 100% real coins & tokens as a reserve as trust assets for your future and present with a fixed payout schedule! 

Special features

The aim is to smooth the fluctuation of the value of the asset accumulation of the CryptoPension through a regular rebalance with the help of an AI. The fluctuation in value of the investment is calculated for each valuation week based on weekly returns over the last twelve months. The Сrypto Rente can be topped up at any time and is also accessible to survivors.

Crypto Rente Management

Here you can read which investment philosophy we follow for you and how the interaction with a specially developed AI as well as our own firmly negotiated swaps goes through the production steps. 

The investment process is based on a constant evaluation of the TOP cryptocurrencies and a stablecoin like the USDT which is only subject to very small fluctuations. The active portfolio management thus evaluates the most promising investment opportunities in the crypto market. In addition, there is a constant evaluation of new and existing projects to expand sources of income. A targeted analysis of the TOP 50 volume cryptocurrencies allow a regular rebalance in the swaps.

In addition, the news situation as well as the search queries and social media which reflect indications of the increasing interest in the crypto market. Twitter and " Big G" data are specifically analyzed via an independent social AI for this purpose. Thus, the resulting crypto fund structure is the result of the interaction of specially programmed algorithms, data centers and various specialists.

  1. Anyone investing in cryptocurrencies must be aware of the large price fluctuations. Very large returns and total losses are possible. Beware of high yield promises, and dubious providers!
  2. The market capitalization of the TOP cryptocurrencies as well as their acceptance are always increasing. Thus, the TOP 3 are with: BTC €883,365,966,038 ETH €165,550,429,818 BNB €35,540,766,836 capitalized. (As of 03/28/2021)
  3. The minimum investment is accepted in the form of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies and is valued on a daily basis and can also be a savings plan.

Individual solutions

Cryptocurrency is very much in vogue. Well-known institutions such as PayPal, Blackrock, Microstrategy and many more have discovered the crypto market for themselves in 2020.

Discuss your individual crypto portfolio with us and take advantage of the goldmine and boom in the crypto market. One thing is fact, the digital currency is already on the doorstep.

Heike Schwanz
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