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Best Body Massagers In India

Kalpesh Jadhav

What is an Electric Handheld Massager?

Electric massager is a handheld device that uses a vibrating or pulsating action to stimulate the muscles and provide a massage. Electric massagers can be used for a variety of purposes, including relaxation, stress relief, and pain relief. Electric massagers can be used on all parts of the body, including the back, neck, shoulders, legs, and feet. This can be done by using a vibrating or rotating head. The vibration helps to loosen and relax muscles, and can also help to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. Electric gun massagers are often used by athletes to warm up before a workout, or to recover from a workout.

Medtech Electric Handheld Massagers:

Medtech offers two types of massager: Manipol and gun massager

Medtech manipol massager is a type of massage device that uses a rotating head to knead and massage the muscles. It can be used on the back, neck and shoulders and any other body part. Medtech manipol massager has 4 detachable heads for customised massage, each with a different purpose. The flathead is great for general massage, the wavy head for more targeted massage, the ball head for deep tissue massage, and the dead skin removal head for removing dead skin.

Medtech manipol massager has a powerful motor that operates at a high RPM, perfect for those who want a more intense massage. The smart button control panel on the massager makes it easy to adjust the speed of the rotation and find the perfect setting for your needs.

The massager is also easy to manoeuvre, thanks to the long handle, making it perfect for reaching tough-to-reach spots. Regular use of this massager can provide many health benefits, including relief from anxiety, depression, headaches, and insomnia. The massager can also help with soft tissue strains or injuries, making it a great choice for those who are active. The massager also comes with a protective fabric cover which is easily washable. The massager is also portable and compact, making it perfect for taking with you on the go.

Medtech gun massager is a type of massage device that uses a vibrating head to massage the muscles. It is usually used on the back, neck and shoulders. Medtech gun Massager comes with 6 different massage heads to target different muscle groups - including acupuncture head.

You can easily change the heads by twisting them on and off the device. Medtech Gun Massager has 6 different speed modes to target different muscle groups - the high speed mode for a deep tissue massage, the low speed mode for a lighter massage and 4 middle speed modes in between for different levels of intensity. Medtech Gun Massager has a high-quality motor that runs very quietly so you can use it without disturbing others around you. The Massager is very lightweight (0.84 kg) and portable so you can take it with you to the gym or anywhere else. The ergonomic design makes it easy and comfortable to hold for long periods of time.

The main difference between the two types of massagers is the way they work. Manipol massagers use a rotating head to knead the muscles, while gun massagers use a vibrating head to massage the muscles.

How to use an Electric Handheld Massager?

Before using a handheld massager, it is important to understand the different settings and speeds. Each person will have different needs, so it is important to experiment to find what works best for you.

Apply the electric massager to your skin. Before turning on the device, apply it to your skin so that you can get used to the sensation. When using a handheld massager, start with the lowest setting and work your way up. Be sure to apply light pressure at first to avoid any discomfort.

Once you find a setting that feels good, you can increase the pressure as needed. If you are using the massager on someone else, be sure to ask them how the pressure feels. Be

sure to massage all areas of the body that feel tight or sore.

Use the electric massager to massage your muscles in a circular motion. You can target specific areas or massage your entire body.

A good massage will help to loosen up the muscles and improve circulation. Pay special attention to areas that are often tense, such as the neck and shoulders. When you are finished using the massager, be sure to turn it off and unplug it.

Kalpesh Jadhav
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