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The Benefits of a Commercial Fridge

Ally Jones
The Benefits of a Commercial Fridge

Commercial fridges are a great way to keep foods fresh and safe in your business. They are available in different sizes to suit your needs and come with many features to help you save money.

When buying a commercial fridge, it's essential to ensure you're getting one that is energy efficient and has an extended warranty. As a result, it will save you money in the long run.


Commercial refrigerators are typically a couple of times larger than the average household fridge. In addition, they're designed to handle high temperatures and a lot of heavy use, so they're best suited for businesses requiring frequent use.

The size of your commercial fridge depends on several factors, including how much you plan to store in it, the space available, and the type of refrigeration you need. For example, french door and side-by-side models typically have more freedom than counter-depth or top-freezer styles.

Before you buy a commercial fridge, measure the room where it will be placed and compare that to the measurements on the product specifications page. You should also consider the utility requirements to ensure your building can supply the power needed to run it.

Temperature Control

Keeping foods at the proper temperature can improve their appearance, taste and nutrient content. It is especially true for commercial fridges, which need to maintain a precise and consistent environment to meet industry regulations.

Rising temperatures can strain refrigeration equipment, compromising food safety and damaging valuable inventory. However, taking a few simple steps to manage and monitor your system can take some of that strain off and preserve your food inventory.

Temperature controls work by measuring the current process temperature and comparing it to a desired value. The controller then determines how much heating or cooling is needed to return the process to the desired value.

Energy Efficiency

Refrigerators are one of the most energy-consuming appliances, so commercial fridges must be as efficient as possible. It can significantly affect your company's power bills and the money you spend on maintenance services.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has guidelines for increasing energy efficiency in commercial refrigeration equipment, and new models are now around 40% more efficient than older models. These new refrigerators and freezers use innovative technology like LED lighting, occupancy sensors, high-performance glass doors, and efficient motors to reduce the kilowatt hours consumed.

There are plenty of tips to help you save energy with your new commercial fridge or freezer, including a few that you may have yet to think of. These include choosing a unit appropriate for your business's needs, storing items in a cool place, and installing motion detectors for case lighting systems. They are easy to implement and will save you money in the long run.


As a business owner, it's vital to keep your commercial fridge functioning efficiently. A malfunction or breakdown can spoil food and disrupt your day-to-day operations.

To avoid these calamities, you must perform routine maintenance on your commercial fridge. It will help prolong your appliance's life and reduce your repair costs in the future.

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a commercial refrigerator is to check its airflow. When the exhaust vents and intake are blocked, it can reduce cooling capacity and increase energy consumption.

Another essential component to the lifespan of your commercial fridge is its condenser coil. Dust & debris buildup on this coil quickly leads to a reduction in efficiency and higher electrical consumption.

Cleaning the condenser coils ensures optimal performance and minimizes your risk of system failure. It is the only way to ensure that your unit will operate at peak efficiency year after year.

Ally Jones
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