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Best Prepaid Cards In India

Fintech World
Best Prepaid Cards In India

A prepaid card is best suited for everyone because it provides a secure and wise way of using money. It is also known as a pay-as-you-go card because you just need to load money and spend it as per your needs. Moreover, for many people, it is a new way to budget money.

Types of Prepaid Cards: -

  • Virtual Prepaid Card: - A virtual prepaid card is very similar to a physical prepaid card, but it will be visible inside the Application.
  • Physical Prepaid Card: - A physical prepaid card is accompanied by a name, card number, and a magnetic strip on the back, causing it to look like a credit/debit card.

Some of the Best Prepaid Cards in India Are as follows: -

1. AeronPay Prepaid Card: - AeronPay prepaid card is issued by YES BANK, in partnership with Neokred. You can use your card across a vast network of merchant establishments, E-commerce platforms, Cash Withdrawals, and Earn exciting rewards.

Key features of AeronPay prepaid cards that make them different from others:

  • Available in both physical cards, as well as a virtual cards.
  • Tap and pay service to enable.
  • No hidden charges are there.
  • You can withdraw money from ATMs with a physical card.
  • Easy to manage your card through applications.
  • You can swipe your card anywhere and shop everywhere.
  • No bank account is required.
  • It’s safer than carrying cash.

2. Axis Bank Prepaid Card:- Axis Bank offers a range of pre-paid cards by which one can gift, reward and motivate either your loved ones or your employees in an easy and convenient way. One can choose between Meal Cards, Gift Cards, Rewards Cards, and Smart Pay Cards.

  • Widely Accepted.
  • Simple to Use.
  • High Security.
  • Flexible Denomination.
  • Use the card online and at the store.

3. HDFC Bank Prepaid Card: - HDFC Prepaid Cards provide you control and security in an increasingly cash-less world! Our Forex Plus Card is a prepaid Travel Card that allows you to safely manage your overseas expenses without carrying cash, and the Gift Plus Card is a prepaid Gift Card designed to give your loved ones the freedom to buy the gift of their choice.

  • Track all transactions using the Prepaid Card Net Banking portal.
  • The Prepaid Card comes with a validity of 5 years.
  • The cash withdrawal limit is Rs. 1 lakh per month.
  • Cash withdrawal at POS in India.
  • Free SMS alerts of all transactions.

4. SBI Prepaid Card: - SBI Prepaid Card is one the most popular prepaid cards in the market right now. They make ideal gifts for both individuals and companies. Individual customers can give the SBI gift card as a gift to their family and friends on festivals, family functions, or other special occasions. Companies can use gift cards for employees as bonuses, rewards, or gifts for their hard work and performance.

  • Cards can be loaded from a single point.
  • The funds are available to the employees immediately. 
  • There is less risk of overspending.
  • They're safer than cash.
  • They're easy to use and reload and they're a viable alternative to using traditional credit or debit cards.

5. Bank of Baroda Prepaid Card: - With a pre-loaded card like the Bank of Baroda Prepaid Card, you can access your money whenever you need it for any purpose. It is simple to use and convenient to transport when making purchases at merchant outlets. The ideal alternative to cash, which is accepted throughout India.

  • Tap & Shop
  • High Cash Withdrawal. 
  • Higher Purchasing Limit.
  • Instant SMS Alerts.
  • Substitute for Cash.

Fintech World
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