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What is the new Income Tax Rate 2023 in Canada?

Ateet Kapadia
What is the new Income Tax Rate 2023 in Canada?

The Canadian government has introduced a few more tax measures for the 2023 tax year. One of these is a new tax bracket for high-income earners, which is set at a rate of 33% for individuals earning more than $214,368. This is designed to target the country's wealthiest citizens and help generate additional revenue for the government. The new tax rate is part of a larger effort to make the Canadian tax system more progressive and ensure that everyone pays their fair share. Despite the changes, the majority of Canadians will continue to pay a tax rate of between 15% and 29%, with the exact amount depending on their income level and other factors.

For the 2022 tax year, the federal tax rate for income between $48,535 and $97,069 is 20.5%. For income above $97,069, the rate increases to 26%. The provinces and territories may have their own tax rates, which can range from 9% to 20%.

It is important to regularly check for updates on the income tax rates, as they may change from year to year based on government budgets and economic conditions. Additionally, it is important to note that the tax rates apply only to taxable income, which is calculated after deductions and exemptions have been taken into account.

Overall, having a solid understanding of the income tax rate in Canada can help individuals plan their finances and make informed decisions about their income and spending. It is always a good idea to seek the advice of a tax professional or consult the Canada Revenue Agency website for the most up-to-date information on the income tax rate in Canada.

Learn more about When tax season starts in Canada

Ateet Kapadia
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