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New Windows 10 security update proactively hunts down viruses when your PC is idle

Quan Zhao
New Windows 10 security update proactively hunts down viruses when your PC is idle

Windows 10 is building in an additional line of defense against malware with some new features for Windows Defender, Microsoft’s pre-installed antivirus.

The update is called Limited Periodic Scanning, and was revealed as part of Microsoft’s Insider Preview Build 14352 this week.

It allows users to run Windows Defender simultaneously to their own antivirus software.

Limited Periodic Scanning, in theory, will only kickstart when your computer is idle or not in the middle of some important task.

To turn on Limited Periodic Scanning, go to Settings, Update & Security and Windows Defender, and then Turn Limited Periodic Scanning on.

However, Windows 10 has still faced many concerns and criticisms over its attitude to user privacy by collecting and monitoring a huge amount of data.

Quan Zhao
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