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Places to visit in Digha

Pooja Dubey
Places to visit in Digha

One of Digha's most well-known sights is its beach, which is over 7 km long. Even though the water at the town's beach isn't very deep, many people go there to enjoy the water.

A lot of people don't know this, but one of Warren Hastings' favourite places was Digha. He was the one who found this place and made Digha a place for tourists to visit. When Warren Hastings wrote a letter to his wife, he called Digha the "Brighton of the East." In the year 1780, this beautiful place was found. When the well-known English traveller John Frank Smith moved to Digha in 1923, the city once again became the centre of attention. He was so taken with the simple beauty of this town that he decided to stay there for good. You might know that the then-chief minister of West Bengal was the first person to try to make Digha a profitable tourist spot, but you might not know that John Frank Smith was the one who persuaded him to do so.

Digha is a great place to go for a quick weekend trip. People usually go there to let off steam. If you ever go there, you should try to see the sunset and sunrise. At those times, the view of the sea is so beautiful that it takes your breath away. Palm trees can be found all over the city. The fact that these trees are near the beach makes this town look even better. One of the best things about Digha is that you can swim there without fear because the beach isn't too deep and isn't too close to the Bay of Bengal. Aside from the beach, Digha has a lot of places you might not have heard of. In this blog, we will talk in depth about the best places in Digha. Since Digha got a train station in 2004, it's a lot easier to get there. Now, people from nearby cities like Kolkata can take trains to Digha in two to three hours. If you want to take an aeroplane to Digha, you will have to go to Kolkata first. Kolkata has the airport that is closest to Digha. Most people who want to go to Digha rent cars at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose airport in Kolkata. Many people like to drive their cars to Digha. The drive from Kolkata to Digha is very pretty and would make a great road trip.

Places that every tourist must see in Digha

The places on the list below are pretty well-known in Digha. Some of them don't get as much attention as they should, but you will find them to be very beautiful.

Gate of Digha

If you drive to Digha, the first thing you'll see when you arrive is the Digha gate. This gate, which is on National Highway 116B, is a bright sign for tourists coming into the town. Digha Gate isn't like most other gates. The gate looks like a fishing boat because of how it is made. It was made to honour the fishermen, who are the town's most important source of income.

The Digha gate is easy to spot because it is so big. Digha Gate is well-known among tourists, which is why so many people take pictures in front of it to remember their trip. The white and blue colours of the gate fit in well with the area around it. If you go to the gate at night, you'll see that it has lights on it. At night, the gate looks even more beautiful. You don't have to pay anything to look around the gate, and it's open all day.

The New Digha Sea Beach

The New Digha sea beach is much bigger than the original sea beach in Digha. Even though it's called "New Digha Sea Beach," it was built many years ago. Most tourists still prefer the old sea beach in Digha, but if you want to avoid huge crowds, this is the best place in Digha for you. The sandy beach in this area is a mile from the water, giving you plenty of room to relax and hang out.

On this beach, there are people selling coconut water from their carts. You'll have a great time just sitting around with a coconut in your hand over there. People love to walk along the 7 km-long sea beach from Old Digha to New Digha. If you don't want to walk the whole way, you can take an e-rikshaw there instead. Close to this site are gardens and aquariums, which make it even more special. Most of Digha's palm trees are on this side of the city, and the view of the whole area is really relaxing.

Amarabati Park

Because of its beauty, Amarabati Park is the most popular place to visit in Digha. This park was made by people and is in the New Digha neighbourhood of Digha. Amarabati park is a nice break from the busyness of the seaside town, with its lush green lawns, beautiful lake, and blooming flowers. Tourists like this park even more because it has a great view of New Digha. The lake is one of the most interesting parts of this site.

Even though the lake is small, boating is a lot of fun there. In this park, you can paddle boat while you look around. The site is so well-kept that you might be surprised that you haven't heard of it more often. You can take a ride on the park's ropeway, which gives you a bird's-eye view of the whole area. There, lots of people go to have great picnics with their families and friends. The site has a lot of places to sit. If you want to take a boat ride in Amarabati Park, you should know that it costs INR 60 per person. The whole trip takes about 25 minutes. On the boat ride, you can bring three people you care about.

Talsari Beach

Talsari beach is one of the most peaceful places in that area. It is a half-hour drive from Digha. Even though this beach is technically in the Odisha district of Baleswar, it is pretty easy to get to from Digha. The beach is where the Bay of Bengal and the Subarnarekha rivers come together. The view from Talsari beach is breathtakingly beautiful. It is surrounded by beautiful palm and cashew trees. Even a few years ago, not many people knew how beautiful this place was, but now it's getting a lot of attention.

Because there are so many fish at Talsari beach, fishermen are always there, so the seafood there is very tasty. If you're coming from Digha, the best time to go there is during lunch. There are a lot of food stands where you can get delicious dishes made with fresh crabs, prawns, and other fish. You can really get a feel for the place by taking a boat ride in the Bay of Bengal. People like to swim in Talsari a lot. Most people go there during the day from Digha. There are hotels over there that you can stay in if you want to.

Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre

One of the best things to see in Digha is the Marine Aquarium and Regional Center. This place gets a lot of tourists because it has a huge number of marine animals. With 8 freshwater tanks and 24 large marine tanks, this place is a good place for many different kinds of sea animals to live. When you go to the site, you will see some fish that are native to the area as well as some rare breeds.

Since this aquarium's tanks are filled with seawater that moves through a system with a high level of filtration, the marine animals can live there quite comfortably. Some of the most common marine animals in this area are horseshoe crabs, sea snakes, butterflyfish, sea anemones, and others. This area is pretty big, so it would take at least two hours to see everything. Most people come between 2:30 and 4 in the afternoon.

Watch Point Digha Mohona

The Digha Mohana Watchpoint is one of the most interesting places to visit in Digha. It is at the point where the Bay of Bengal meets the Champa river. When you go there, it will be easy to see how the two bodies of water are different. At dawn is the best time to look around the area. Not only will you be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of the area, but you will also be able to see the fishermen catch fresh fish at dawn. Another reason why most people go there early in the morning is because the sunrise is so beautiful there.

At the lookout point, there is an amazing fish market. It is where fishermen sell the fish they have caught. There, many people buy tasty fish like Hilsa and Bhetki. If you're staying at a vacation rental that lets you cook, you should stop by this watchpoint to buy some fresh fish. If you don't need to shop, you can go to that area at any other time of the day. The Mohona neighbourhood of Digha smells a lot at dawn, and many people can't stand the smell so early in the day.

Udaipur Beach

The Udaipur beach is becoming one of the most popular places to visit in Digha. It is close to the city centre. This place is close to Talsari, and it is much less busy than the beaches in Digha. Like Talsari, this beach has palm and cashew trees all around it. The place is great for many tourists because it is quiet. There are a lot of fishermen selling fresh fish at this place. Here's another place in Digha where people buy fish.

Even though Udaipur beach isn't very well-known in India, it is much more beautiful than many beaches that are more well-known. Near the beach, there are many shacks that serve delicious local food. There, you can eat a hearty meal while taking in the beautiful Bay of Bengal. Now, when people go to the beach in Udaipur, they can do adventure sports. Some of the things you can do are ride a banana boat, ride a bike, ride a speed boat, and do other things. Many tourists like this place so much that they end up spending the night in the tourist complex over there. This site is especially good for people who want to get away with their significant other.

Old Sea Beach in Digha

The town's centre is Old Digha Sea Beach. Tourists from all over the world love to spend time there. Even though this part of Digha is the most popular place in the area, many people might find it too crowded. On this beach, there are a lot of shops, food stands by the road, and craft stores. You can shop as much as you want in those places if you want to.

Now that the old Digha area has been completely fixed up, the whole area is even more popular than it was before. Due to recent changes, most shops that were only open for a short time are now open for good. In this part of Digha, many well-known fast-food chains have opened locations. It is one of the best spots in Digha to hang out. After dark, lights are put up all over the area. Most people love to spend an evening in Digha eating tasty food on the Old Digha sea beach.

The National Science Camp and Digha Science Center

The Digha Science Center and National Science Camp is one of the most popular places for tourists to go in Digha. It has 3D theatres, galleries, light and sound shows, and other things to do. If you have kids, this site is a great place to check out with the whole family. This site is pretty interesting, even if you don't have kids. There, you will learn so many interesting science facts that you will be shocked.

The most popular thing to do there is watch the 3D show in the centre. In the theatre, different movies about science are shown. If anyone in your family goes to a school in West Bengal, they will only have to pay INR 10 to get into this place.

You can hire a cab and explore these sites at your own pace. Some other exciting places are located which should not be mentioned which include Shankarpur Beach, Biswa Bangla Gate, Watch Tower and others. If you want to enjoy Digha comfortably, then it would be better for you to go there between November and February. You can also call on this number +919696000999 for car rental.

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Pooja Dubey
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