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Hardwood Flooring Melbourne - Solid Timber Or Engineered Timber?

Blackcat Timber Flooring
Hardwood Flooring Melbourne - Solid Timber Or Engineered Timber?

If you want to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your home, consider installing hardwood timber flooring in Melbourne. It has a timeless look and is long-lasting, so you can expect to enjoy it for years to come.

There are many varieties of hardwood flooring, including Tasmanian Oak, Victorian Ash and Spotted Gum. These species have varying levels of hardness and resistance to damage, indentation and abrasion.

The Janka rating system measures this to determine how strong a specific type of timber is. The harder the timber, the less likely it is to splinter and rip or crack, and more resistant to impact damage caused by furniture or heavy traffic.

For those who don’t want to invest too much money but would like an authentic timber appearance, engineered timber floors are the way to go. They feature a criss-cross construction that gives the floors more stability and durability.

Engineered timber floors are also available in a range of styles and finishes. Some of these options include whitewashed and smoked hardwood, parquetry flooring, white oak and European oak blends, and even bamboo.

If you prefer a more affordable alternative to natural timber, consider vinyl flooring. This synthetic product replicates the natural look of wood grains and is easy to install in your home. It’s also water-resistant and won’t sustain dents or stains if it gets wet for an extended period of time.

A perfectly polished timber floor enhances the aesthetics of any home or commercial space. Many floor styles may come and go but solid timber flooring has always been the top choice for most residential and commercial property owners. Get professional timber floor sanding services in Melbourne. What if you could find high-end timber floor polishing and restoration services at a single place.

Blackcat Timber Flooring
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