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7 Ways Dental Implants Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Deeksha Choudhary
7 Ways Dental Implants Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Dental implants are the best solution for missing teeth in most cases. They look and feel exactly like natural teeth, and are more durable than other tooth replacement options. They’re also the only restoration option that preserves bone in the jaw and offers a lifetime of healthy function.

Unlike dentures or bridges, Dental Implants Nashville TN is fixed to the bone in the jaw and acts as a stable base for replacement teeth. This makes them a superior long-term alternative to traditional tooth replacement methods and can dramatically improve your quality of life.

1. For your smile: Missing teeth can eat away at your confidence and make you hesitant to socialize with others. In addition, dental gaps can affect how air moves through your mouth when you talk. These factors can affect your ability to chew and swallow, leading to health problems such as heart disease.

2. For your speech: A missing tooth or a dental gap can affect the way you speak, especially with front teeth. In this case, your speech may sound hoarse, and it can be harder to read lips, especially when talking about complex topics.

3. Preserve your facial structure: Often, people with missing teeth develop a sunken appearance around the mouth and face, which can detract from their overall appearance. This is caused by the loss of bone in the jaw area where the missing tooth was.

By keeping the jawbone strong, dental implants help preserve the structure of your face and prevent other changes that can occur as a result of missing teeth. This can help keep you looking young and fresh for many years to come.

4. For your oral and overall health: With the proper care, dental implants have a high success rate for restoring the health of the jawbone. They also significantly reduce bone resorption and deterioration which can lead to loss of jawbone height over time.

5. For your oral hygiene: Because dental implants are anchored in the jaw, they require regular brushing and flossing just as natural teeth do. This will help prevent plaque and tartar buildup, gum disease, and other dental issues that can affect the health of your teeth and gums.

6. For your peace of mind: If you’re suffering from missing teeth, dental implants can provide a permanent, secure foundation for replacement teeth that will last a lifetime with proper care.

7. For your comfort: Most patients find that dental implant surgery is relatively painless and can be completed in an office setting with a local anesthetic. Afterward, patients are free to return to their normal activities and routines.

8. For your safety: Dental Implants Nashville TN is placed by a qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, whose expertise is focused on the teeth, mouth, and face. They also perform the surgery in a hospital-style operating room that optimizes the level of sterility.

If you’re missing one or more teeth, we welcome you to schedule a consultation online to learn how dental implants can restore your smile and your quality of life. During this appointment, we will review all your options for dental treatment and help you decide which is right for you.

Deeksha Choudhary
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