AI Products 

Core pin cooling | Core cool | Jet cooled core pins - RAGA GROUP

RAGA Group
Core pin cooling | Core cool | Jet cooled core pins - RAGA GROUP

Core Pin cooling system works with your die casting cycle. RAGA has specialized manufacturing these customized jet cooled core pins where they are made as per customer drawings.

Core Pins, Jet Cooled Core Pins, Core cool, Core pin cooling


Injection System | Shot sleeve - Raga Group

Raga Group is a leading Manufacturer & Supplier of Shot Sleeve (Aluminum Pressure Die Casting Machine) of horizontal high-pressure die casting machine during the injection process.

Shot sleeve



Gas porosity | What is Porosity in Die-Casting & How to Minimize it?

Gas porosity is probably the most common type of porosity in die casting. Gas porosity is the fraction of a rock or sediment filled with a gas (most often nitrogen, oxygen or hydrogen).

Gas porosity


Aluminum Die Casting, Chill vents, HPDC, Casting Defects | RAGA GROUP

Raga Group is a leading Manufacturer & Supplier of High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC), Aluminum Die Casting, Chill vents, Casting defects, Vaccum machine, jet cooler and spot cooler.

High Pressure Die Casting, Die Casting, Aluminum Die Casting, Chill vents, Casting defects, HPDC


Centralised Jet cooling machine equipment system | HVCU | Soldering | Shrinkage porosity

Raga is world’s first centralised jet cooling machine, High Velocity cooling which is Efficient, Easy to use & has reliable technology for minimizing shrinkage porosity in thin sections & around core pin cooling in a die-cast part.

Jet Cooling machine, Jet Cooling Equipment, Jet Cooling System, High Velocity cooling, Soldering, Shrinkage porosity, Centralised Jet cooling, Jet cooling, HVCU


Vacuum Die Casting | Vacuum system | Vacuum Valve

We are leading supplier of vacuum valves, Vacuum Die Casting and vacuum system. Our Vacuum System has two stage evacuations from shot sleeve & mold.

Vacuum Die Casting, Vacuum system, Vacuum Valve

RAGA Group
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