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How Do I Perform Galaway Wifi Extender Setup

Mayra Josephson
How Do I Perform Galaway Wifi Extender Setup

Galaway wifi extender setup is a wireless device used to extend wifi coverage and improve the signal strength of the existing networks. It is situated between the router and the device. It is a wireless repeater and is also called a range extender. 

Methods for Galaway Extender Setup:

If you are suffering from a weak and slow internet connection then follow the Galaway wifi extender setup following steps.

1.  Installation through PC:

  • Galaway extender setup also works as an access point, which shows that you will get one wireless access point and one LAN (local area network) port in the device.

  • After this, you could connect with a PC through the wire or with the help of the SSID name “Galaway” to connect wifi.

  • Now simply open the homepage of your internet browser and type “http:/” to login into the Galaway wifi extender.

  • In order to start the wizard setup, type “admin” as the password.

  • Then start the setup wizard to scan and find all available networks.

  • Save the setting on your device and reboot the extender.

2. wireless installation:

  • Take out your device and plug it in, turn on the power, and set the time till The green LED light is solid green on the extender.

  • Then turn on the wifi of your phone or PC and connect with the new Galaway wifi extender.

  • After this open the web browser on your phone or PC and enter the IP address from the instruction booklet.

  • Then log in with your details mentioned in the booklet, username, and password both for the Galaway device will be “admin”.

  • After logging in go to the repeater wizard and it will guide you.

  • Select the name of the user and enter the password and then click apply.

  • The default wifi extender will be disabled and you will be logged out.

  • Now Galaway wifi extender is ready to use.

Sum up:

Hopefully, the above method will help you with the Galaway wifi extender setup.

Mayra Josephson
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