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How Can Vinyl Fencing Be Installed on a Slope?

Kevin Johnson
How Can Vinyl Fencing Be Installed on a Slope?

There are unique difficulties involved in installing a fence. But, it gets more difficult if you have to build it on a slope. There are simple methods to approach this. If you want to put the fence up yourself, here are some tips to get you started.

No Leveling Needed

One of the first things we'll need to do is clear that up. Don't worry before deciding to go with a fence installation project. The slope won't need to be levelled. On uneven ground, a fence can still be erected. Although it will need more planning and tools, it is not impossible. When you've mastered the steps, you can repeat the process the following time you want to make changes to your outside area.

Use Racked Fences

The usage of racked fencing on a slope is known as racking. There are no gaps between the rail and the ground or soil since the fences follow the contours of the land in your garden. The fence appears more uniform because the fences adapt to the slopes. Nothing about it seems out of place. This choice does have certain restrictions, though. For starters, setting up a fence might not be the ideal choice if the slope is greater than 15 degrees.

Stepped Fence

Another solution that you can use for your yard is stepped fences. You can also install them on a slope. Do you have steeper grades? Consider choosing a vinyl fence since the material is lightweight. The panels of a stepped fence don’t follow the shape or contour of the ground. They leave triangular gaps in between because of that. That makes them a less ideal option for families since the gaps can provide your pets or kids with opportunities to escape through the fence. Find a way to block off those gaps to ensure the security of your family. 

Kevin Johnson
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