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How Low-Code No-Code Platform Will Help Companies In 2023 | Dewstudio

Ashu Kalbande
How Low-Code No-Code Platform Will Help Companies In 2023 | Dewstudio

Low-code platforms are the future of leading-edge app development. Additionally, they offer companies 50% less app development time and a cost-effective solution. The simple approach and less app development time of low-code technology makes it the future of coding for innovative app development 

To experience a global technology with a high level of scalability, you should partner with the right organization. DEW Studio is the best low-code platform to develop advanced software apps with high scalability. The best low-code development platform makes the difference for the sophisticated apps you wish to concoct for your business.  

As we enter 2023, the low-code no-code platform is a game-changing phenomenon for the entire software industry. 

Is Low-Code The Future? Let’s Go Beyond Coding! 

Is low-code the future for developing business apps in 2023?  

“By 2024, 75% of large enterprises will be using at least four low-code development tools for both IT application development and citizen development initiatives.” 

– Gartner, Low-Code Development Technologies Evaluation Guide 

For quite some decades, the entire software industry has depended on coding to design and deploy desired software applications. Whatever the level of complexity the app may carry, coding was necessary. But too much dependence on coding is slowly turning into a hostile environment filled with helplessness for the software industry. Because the demand for developers has rapidly increased, there is a huge vacuum of qualified and experienced developers who can handle all levels of software projects. 

Temporary to permanent recruitments suddenly rose in mid-2022 but still, there lies a great deficit of potent developers in the industry. Moreover, with the massive lay-offs following in the year 2022, this deficit of demand and supply of qualified developers will only grow more with each day. All these external situations encourage the already gaining momentum of low-code application development.  

Low-code software helps every person to deliver quality software apps irrespective of their skill set. Low-code no-code platforms empower companies to own and deliver diverse applications easily with just a drag-and-drop simple approach.  

Low-code/no-code trends are driving the ultra-modern digital revolution in the following ways: 

  • Speed Up Development Cycles 
  • Increased Productivity  
  • Automate Business Idea in Minutes 
  • Rapid Prototyping 
  • Faster App Development 
  • Better Customer Experience 

Anyone need not bother about their experience or certifications. The avant-garde DEW Studio low-code platform is an ultimate way of getting quality and modernistic software solutions without any coding. 

Low-Code Application Platform And Trends Is The Need Of Companies In 2023! 

The traditional software development cycle demands vast human resources with the important skills, expertise and experience. More and more training and grooming follow-ups after that. It is difficult for companies or the software industry to control or monitor all of these conditions. Companies that depend too much on uncontrollable situations will wither with time. Companies lose time, effort and eventually their investments when they wait for things to fall into place.  

Low-code no-code platform is the freedom that companies need and deserve. Without depending on anyone, companies can easily design and deploy quality software applications with minimal effort. The resource expenditure and the development life cycle are very less compared to traditional software development.  

No more training, no more recruitment, no more risky levels of capital expenditure. It is time the software industries experience simplified software app development using low-code technology. Truly, a low-code solution solves the uncertain external threats and conditions that companies suffer. 

Empower Your Vision, Mission And Business With DEW Studio 

A lot of challenges are surrounding companies these days. At the same time, the technological requirements are growing to emphasize the importance of having a software application.  

To deal with both situations, partnering with a powerful premier low-code software development platform DEW Studio is essential. And the prices are always affordable.  

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Ashu Kalbande
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