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How Can Intercaste Love Marriage Be Resolved With The Help of Love Marriage Specialist?

Dr. Madhu Priya
How Can Intercaste Love Marriage Be Resolved With The Help of Love Marriage Specialist?

Marriage is one of life's most essential events. For the past several centuries marriages have been practiced in India, but the problem is love marriages are still not common among Indians. In India, there have been several changes over the past few decades, which have encouraged the girl-boy connection. As a result, the interaction between opposite sex is rising. 

But, in today's time, it is still restricted to some urban and semi-urban regions. Since love marriages are still not common in India, parents feel ashamed if their children will do love marriages. If we talk about the reason for not accepting love marriages is caste differences. Furthermore, horoscopes, the economic standards are restraining love marriages. To solve this problem, you need to consult with a Love Marriage Specialist. This blog contains useful information regarding love marriage.

What is Love marriage?

In India, love marriages are becoming popular since the 1970s. According to a 2014 survey conducted by the United Nations Population Fund and the International Center for Research on Women, 11.7% of men and 8.5% of women said they chose their partners and married with or without their family's consent. The term love-arranged marriage refers to a new type of marriage that combines features of both planned and love marriage. 

What is Inter caste marriage?

The State Government introduced the Caste Marriage Program in 2018. The major goal of the Inter-caste Marriage Program is to promote inter-caste marriages, but only if they are done with a Dalit. The union ministry has adopted this method to eliminate cast bars. The government has given a Rs 2.5 lakh prize to a newly married pair. The benefits of the intercaste marriage scheme include cash benefits for couples who marry from different castes. Furthermore, the system promotes equality and tolerance among all members of the community.

How can a love marriage specialist help you?

In today's time being in love is a must. Several people find their first love at an early age or some find it a little bit later. Some people also find love at first sight, which is quite interesting and adorable. As love marriages have been in trend for the past few decades it is not widely accepted, especially in India parents don't accept their children's love. As our parents belong to that generation where love is just a word but now it is a must especially since today's generation takes love seriously. They want to marry their desired partner at any cost so they try to convince their family to accept their love. Some parents understand it and some don't so for these dilemmas you can talk to a love marriage specialist. 

They will guide you to the best of their capabilities. Now you may get confused about how an astrologer will solve your problem. Then we have the answer to your question. If we talk in the simpler language then Love marriage specialist do not have a magic stick or a platter that can guarantee a successful love marriage. An astrologer just uses a simple trick to find out whether they really want to be together or not. Later they will give you the solution to your problem. As two people in a love relationship learn to know one another on a different level. A love marriage specialist, does the cross-verification of these characteristics and traits before eventually tying the knot. After getting all the required details they will definitely provide you with the best advice. And if everything goes well then you and your desired partner will live happily with the blessings of your loved ones. 


This blog contains all the essential information regarding love marriage. Those who seek problems in their love marriage should consult a love marriage specialist, additionally, there are some Best Astrologer in Delhi, and you can consult with them for your problems. 

Dr. Madhu Priya
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