AI Products 

Impossible to replicate copy-proof labels

Checko Technology Solution
Impossible to replicate copy-proof labels

Checko labels printed using propriety ink are procured and applied on product packaging by consumer brands to enable their consumers to scan and check the authenticity of the product even by 4MP camera smartphone. Label application process can be manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic, making it seamless integration in operational process. Our three-dimensional ‘Checko’ tag, is a unique identifier based on the mathematical concept of physically unclonable functions and cannot be reproduced even by us.

Checko is the brainchild of a team of entrepreneurs and researchers from IIT Kanpur, and is backed by visionary founders from various unicorns. The team is led and guided by some of the most celebrated corporate leaders in the world. The entire Checko team is driven and committed to ensuring that both brands and consumers benefit from genuine products.

Our technology was developed in the hi-tech labs of IIT Kanpur. Years of research has brought this product to market. This unique product is the world’s first anti-counterfeiting solution that works completely offline or online, as needed.

We at Checko have been providing our services to many brands like Renault and Indian-Oil. Our copy-proof labels are printed using proprietry ink. So, no one can replicate these labels without the permission of the owner of the brand or agency.

Checko enhances brand value by providing variety of copy-proof and tamper-proof authentic anti-counterfeiting labels for all your packages and products.

Checko deals with label making that leads to increased consumers' trust in your brand powered by its PUF based tamper-proof and copy-proof labels technology.

Checko Technology Solution
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