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Do You Know About Cyber Phishing and Its Various Types?

Secninjaz Technologies LLP
Do You Know About Cyber Phishing and Its Various Types?

Cyber phishing is such a widespread sort of cyberattack that it is taught to children in elementary schools. Cyber phishing and its variants are routinely used to defraud individuals all over the globe. Those who are unaware of phishing, particularly the elderly, end up being victims.

Phishing schemes have been around since the early 1990s, when a major fraud was perpetrated in America using software hijacking. Several account credentials were taken as a result of this fraud. AOL was the name of the fraud (America Online).

Now that you know that cyber phishing is probably older than you, let's delve deeper and take a closer look at what cyber phishing is, what sorts of cyber phishing assaults there are, and how to prevent them.

Cyber phishing occurs when attackers send malicious emails to victims in order to get personal information such as account credentials, financial information, and passwords. If you click the link in the email, you will fall victim to the fraud. So don't worry, Secninjaz Technologies LLP is here to assist you with cyber crime and to secure your data from hackers. They specialize in cyber risk management, cyber threat intelligence, intelligence-led penetration testing, reverse engineering, cyber fraud prevention, and security assessment, among other things. They have a staff of cyber security professionals striving to keep data safe.

What Exactly Is Cyber Phishing?

A phishing assault occurs when attackers send malicious emails meant to deceive individuals into participating in some sort of fraud. This kind of scam is often used to steal personal information, such as personal account credentials, financial data including passwords, and so on.

The attackers' emails may include something appealing that you may want to investigate, as well as a link to that tempting offer; if you click the link, you will be taken right into the scam.

What Are the Different Forms of Phishing Attacks?

While there are other varieties of Phishing attacks, the following are the most common:

Email Scamming

Phishing with a Spear




Angler Scamming

Secninjaz Technologies LLP
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