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7 Ways to Repurpose Website Content

Iulia P.
7 Ways to Repurpose Website Content

When you run a small business, you spend a lot of time creating content for your website, social media, emails, and campaigns.

OrbitMedia reveals:

The average time spent writing an article is 3 hours and 46 minutes. 

That's a lot of hard work considering that most readers tend to skim through articles.

Luckily, there is a way to get the most value out of your content.

It's called repurposing, and it consists of rethinking work you've already made in new ways that can fit other platforms.

What are the benefits of repurposing content?

Good content weighs in gold.

It can help you:

  • Save time.
  • Reach new audiences.
  • Reinforce your message.
  • Increase engagement.
  • Create links back to your website.

To understand this concept better, here are more than seven simple examples of ideas on how to repurpose your website content:

1. Update and promote your best work again.

Scan your website, pick the evergreen content with the best results, and reimagine it. Evergreen content is the one that stays relevant to your readers over the years, such as listicles, how-to guides, or statistics.

2. Turn your articles into videos, podcasts, or webinars.

Illustrate your ideas with visuals, a good talk, or a captivating presentation.

3. Share random bits of content through quotes or threads on social media.

Get the reader's attention on one idea at a time. They often miss important information because they skim through articles or videos.

4. Transform your long-form content into an ebook, a guide, or an email series.

Remind your audience that you're an expert and build trust across your content.

5. Go live on a social platform and discuss one of the most beloved works with your audience.

Bring awareness around that interesting content you already have for your new followers. For the old followers, repetition is vital when the purpose of your content is to educate or inform. 

6. Share your most acknowledged ideas in guest posts for other websites.

Show your work from a fresh perspective to a new audience whenever possible.

7. Reframe your content for social media.

Here is a practical example of how I will repurpose this article to use it on Instagram in the future:

What have I changed?

This article is now a series of images I made using a simple design program. I only pinpointed the main ideas. Then included a Call-to-Action leading to the original post.

It took me less than ten minutes to create a new post for social media. 

Repurposed content is not content you copy, paste, and republish. It's also not content you distribute after creating it on different channels using a link.

Sometimes it's the ideas you recycle across channels to reach a specific audience. And, at times, even repurposing content can take some time. 

So, having a strategy to reuse your content from day one can make a difference in your journey as a creator, blogger, or marketer.


If you run a small business, saving time and money while never running out of content ideas is one of your goals.

So, content repurposing should be part of every marketing strategy.

Iulia P.
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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