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Best CBSE School in Indore Session 2023-24


Kasera Bazar Vidya Niketan (KBVN) is considered as the top CBSE school in Indore. Because of its education, services and other facilities that they render to the students. These facilities are considered as building stones of an institution that decides whether it will be on the rank one or at last. Below are all the facilities that our school provides for a better environment and experience of its members.

Finding the best CBSE School in Indore for your child can be highly challenging. Because after the lockdown-period, you don’t only have to look for the best curriculum, faculties, and facilities, but you also have to look for the best safety and sanitation factors as well. Kasera Bazaar Vidya Niketan, being one of the best CBSE schools in Indore, takes care of every single precaution. Our premises are regularly sanitized and proper cleanliness and hygiene are maintained in all situations.

With the best education that Shri Kasera Bazar Vidya Niketan provides its students. There are numerous facilities that together make it be counted amongst the best CBSE school in Indore.Enhancing its students’ language skills, arithmetic skills, scientific skills, computer skills, social studies, general knowledge, morals and values. SKBVN has got more in its stock of excellent services & to know more about us click here.

Kasera Bazar Vidya Niketan (KBVN) is considered as the top CBSE school in Indore. Because of its education, services and other facilities that they render to the students. These facilities are considered as building stones of an institution that decides whether it will be on the rank one or at last. Below are all the facilities that our school provides for a better environment and experience of its members.

So now you know, this is where your hunt for the best CBSE School should end. Now all you have to do is reach out to our officials at our campus by visiting the below address:

Kasera Bazar Vidya Niketan CBSE School

Sector C, Scheme No. 71, Gumasta Nagar,

Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

You can also contact us at:

Phone: 0731-2480109 | 0731-4247460 | 0731-2481157

Email: [email protected]

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