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Here is why Round Rock, TX is a bad place to move to

Gleni Lame
Here is why Round Rock, TX is a bad place to move to

Round Rock, Texas, is a small city located in the Austin metropolitan area. While it may seem like an attractive destination for those seeking a new place to live, there are several reasons why it's a bad idea to move there. In this article, we'll explore some of the most significant drawbacks of living in Round Rock.

High Cost of Living

One of the primary reasons why Round Rock is a bad place to move to is the high cost of living. The city's cost of living index is higher than the national average, making it more expensive than many other cities in Texas. Housing costs are particularly high, with the median home price exceeding $300,000. The high cost of living means that residents must earn a higher income to maintain the same standard of living as they would in other cities.

Limited Job Opportunities

Another major drawback of living in Round Rock is the limited job opportunities. The city has a relatively small job market, with few major employers. The biggest employer in the city is Dell Technologies, but other options are limited, and competition for jobs can be fierce. This can make it challenging for those looking to advance their careers or switch professions.

Traffic Congestion

Round Rock's traffic congestion is a significant issue for residents. The city's population has been growing rapidly in recent years, leading to increased traffic on the roads. This can make commuting to and from work a frustrating experience, and rush hour traffic can be particularly heavy. The city's public transportation options are limited, so many residents must rely on their cars to get around.

Harsh Weather

Round Rock's climate can be challenging for some residents. The summers are hot and humid, with temperatures regularly exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The city also experiences frequent thunderstorms and the occasional tornado. While winters are generally mild, they can still be colder than some residents are used to, particularly those from warmer climates.

Lack of Cultural Diversity

Round Rock's lack of cultural diversity is another significant drawback for those looking to move to the city. The population is predominantly white, and there are few opportunities to experience different cultures. This can be particularly challenging for those who come from more diverse cities or countries.

Poor Air Quality

Round Rock's air quality is another concern for residents. The city's air quality index is worse than the national average, with high levels of ozone and other pollutants. This can be problematic for those with respiratory issues or other health concerns.

Limited Recreational Opportunities

While there are some parks and green spaces in Round Rock, the city's recreational opportunities are limited compared to other cities in Texas. There are few cultural or artistic events, and nightlife options are limited. This can make it challenging for residents to find things to do, particularly on weekends or evenings.

Mediocre Education System

The quality of education in Round Rock is also a concern. While the city has several public schools, the overall quality of education is mediocre compared to other cities in Texas. This can be particularly problematic for families with children, as they may need to consider private school options or move to a neighboring city with a better school system.

Limited Healthcare Options

Round Rock's healthcare options are also limited. While there are some hospitals and medical centers in the city, there are few specialty care options. Residents may need to travel to Austin or another nearby city for certain medical procedures or treatments.

High Crime Rates

Round Rock's crime rates are higher than the national average. While the city is generally safe, there are some neighborhoods that are more dangerous than others. Property crime rates, in particular, are high, and residents should take precautions to protect their homes and possessions.


In conclusion, while Round Rock may seem like an attractive place to move to, there are several significant drawbacks to consider before making the decision to relocate. You can read about the pros and cons of living in Round Rock here, which can make it an apples-to-apples comparison. The high cost of living, limited job opportunities, traffic congestion, harsh weather, lack of cultural diversity, poor air quality, limited recreational opportunities, mediocre education system, limited healthcare options, and high crime rates are all factors that make Round Rock a less desirable place to live. Those considering a move to Round Rock should carefully weigh these factors before making a decision.

Gleni Lame
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