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Benefits of Buffet over Traditional Plated Meals

Jane's Next Door
Benefits of Buffet over Traditional Plated Meals

The trend of having buffet lunches and dinner parties is growing. Whether it is an office party or a wedding function, everyone prefers having; a buffet eating arrangement instead of a traditional plated meal. But the debate over whether one should choose a proper 'three-course meal' for their guests or give them a variety of options by organizing a buffet is never-ending. You may find yourself in a dilemma trying to choose the best option between the two for your special occasion. But, if you're pretty sure of your decision of organizing a buffet; then you can seek help from several renowned buffet catering in Halifax for your special occasion. Let's explore further and learn about the benefits of buffets over traditional plated meals.

What is buffet catering?

Buffet catering typically refers to food stations being; set up at a long table where the guests can view and usually help themselves to; food and drinks. Buffet catering can also have servers stationed; behind every food counter to serve the guests. Foods comprise finger foods and appetizers, although they can comprise; main course meals as well.

What are the benefits of organizing buffet meals?

Buffet-style catering depends upon several factors such as the type of event, number of guests attending the event, size of the venue, etc. For example, if you have; a formal dress code for an event then, organizing buffet meals isn't advisable. But if you're hosting informal events like cocktail get-togethers or engagement parties. To know more about the benefits of buffet catering, read the given points below.

·        Cost-effectiveness: Traditional plated meals are undoubtedly elite; they are equally expensive. Buffet catering in Halifax offers generous portions of meals and budget-friendly prices. Dishes can be; made in bulk. There is no need to separate preparation and presentation. Guests can take their preferred portions and can enjoy their meals without worrying about what others might think of their eating habits. Fewer servers are required to attend to the guests which can reduce; the cost of hosting the party.

·        Greater Variety of Foods: In traditional plated meals, the guests have limited food options to; select from. But in buffet meals, they can choose from a variety of options available. As buffets typically consist of finger foods and appetizers, the guests can access an ample spread of delicious dishes. With so many options to choose from, guests can find something that they can enjoy eating.

·        Less wastage of food: As guests are free to decide their portions of meals and can choose what food dishes they want to eat, there is minimum wastage of; food. Plated meals are; served in standard portions without taking into consideration; the appetite of the guests. But in buffets, Guests can; take their preferred quantity of food and can; enjoy their meals without worrying about what others might think of their eating habits.

·        Great for socializing at events: Buffets increase interaction among the guests, which isn't usually possible at sit-down meals. Buffets are best for lunches or informal dinner parties where socializing is more important than focusing on the timely service of meals.


If you're in search of catering in Halifax, some renowned firms offer catering services. So, go online and search for the best buffet catering in Halifax!

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