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Top Best Trademark Registration Services Providers in India

Top Best Trademark Registration Services Providers in India

Trademark Registration is like a branding of your company. Slogans, logos, graphics, colours or anything that gives a unique identity to your organisation is a Trademark. Trademark registration is required to protect these distinctive features so that you can own its entitlement. For instance, when you name your child, you create an identity for him and society. Likewise, when you name your brand its identity is created in the market. It increases a brand’s market value and growth in business. From a marketing and advertising perspective, it enhances value, worth, credibility, and popularity.


There are various types of Trademark Registration Services like Product Mark, Service Mark, Collective Mark & Certification Mark. Get your required Trademark Registration done from Indian Salahkar, one of the best CA firms in India. Our professional team will reach out to you instantly and do a step by step coverage of all the details. Let’s discuss 4 important types of Trademark Registration.

1. Product Mark

A product mark is applied to goods or products. It preserves the identity and reputation of the product and its organisation. Trademark registration that is filed under 1-34 is known as product marks.


2. Service Mark

It is very much similar to the product mark but it deals with the features of a service. If the product mark is a procedure then the service mark is a process. And it comes under 35-45 which is classified as a service mark.


3. Collective Mark 

 To represent a group or unique characteristics of the product collective mark registration is required. Be it an association, a public institution, or a section 8 corporation.

 For example - A Chartered Accountant can use the CA designation, not others.


4. Certification Mark

 This is a sign issued by the proprietor stating the origin, substance, and quality of the product. It gives the assurance of the product to its customers and usually, it is seen written on packaged goods, electronics etc.

To avoid a mounting risk on brand equity you should renew your trademark registration every 10 years. If you have applied for trademark registration and your registration is under process you can use the ™ symbol with your brand name or logo. It takes almost 2 years to complete your registration. Get Trademark Registration online in India with Indian Salahkar. Learn about documents required & Brand Registration process. Get the Free Consultation on Trademark Registration Services.

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