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Oracle Financials Manager and The Cloud

Ketan Joshi
Oracle Financials Manager and The Cloud

Enterprise computing has gotten ridiculously powerful. Just revisit what your Oracle EBS Financials suite is doing for you – or could do for you if you don’t already have it – and you will see why the question of cloud migration is quickly becoming a no-brainer.

Check out these application features:

Oracle General Ledger (GL) – Since this application is capable of importing and posting 42 million journal lines per hour, you are actually not enjoying full use of its capabilities unless you are making use of cloud computing; otherwise, it’s like keeping a greyhound on a leash.

Oracle Accounts Payable (AP) – This one allows you to choose whichever voucher entry option is the most efficient for your particular enterprise, not to mention efficiency in invoice processing, payment processing and a host of other tasks.

Together with Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR), it can really make your cash flow quick, easy and ultra-smooth. But why keep all this computing power on lockdown in your quickly-becoming-obsolete physical data storage-and-retrieval system?

Why indeed?

But of course, even though cloud migration is quickly entering no-brainer territory, it is not a one-size-fits-all-enterprises proposition. For instance, many businesses discover they only need to migrate their financials applications. There are a few things that need to be considered before making the move to the cloud and one of those things is which applications actually needed vs the functionality that is available for those applications available in the cloud. This is one of the things that will determine what type of project manager you will need for the move. If migration project needs are fairly simple, requiring only certain types of applications, your Oracle Financials Project Manager can be your migration guide.

On a side note, in addition to General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, an Oracle Financials Manager will guide the digital transformation for Oracle Cash Management, Assets, Receivables, Purchasing, Requisitions, and Time & Labor. These are some very powerful applications. Cloud computing is an equally powerful architecture.

You get the idea. If you do nothing else in your systems migration and file-sharing adventure, do what it takes to fully enable these amazing applications to take you and your business where you want to go. Let a savvy Horizon Oracle EBS Financials Project Manager get your financials data to the cloud, so that you can enjoy the kind of computing that is the wave of the present. Because the future is already here.

Ketan Joshi
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