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Decoding the Final Façade Design of Shanghai's 632 Meter Tower

Shahzad shafique
Decoding the Final Façade Design of Shanghai's 632 Meter Tower

Discover the complexities and challenges involved in developing the final façade design of the iconic Shanghai 632 Meter Tower. Explore the decision-making process and design considerations that shaped this remarkable architectural feat.Shanghai Tower is a 124-level, 632m (2074ft) tower, with a gross floor area (GFA) of 380,000m² (4,090,320ft²) above grade. It is arranged in nine vertical zones and is shaped as a combination of efficient footprint with circular floor plates forming stacked cylinders from 12 to 15 stories in height “interrupted” with MEP/refuge floor areas that create zone divisions. These cylindrical shapes are enclosed with a rounded-apex triangle profile as outer skin allowing for introduction of a Sky Garden concept that utilizes the “dual skin” façade approach – atypical double skin façade.In considering the façade design, Gensler introduced a combination exterior and interior curtain wall system resulting in a high-performance façade, totaling 210,000m² (2,260,440ft²) of glazing area.

To refine the tower’s shape and respond to its location efficiently, a series of wind tunnel tests were conducted to measure the region’s largest natural forces: the typhoon and other strong prevailing winds. In developing these studies, various tower profile rotation and scaling options were analyzed. Complexities resulting from that process imposed significant challenges in defining an appropriate translation from building geometry to practical curtain-wall design and application. This paper traces the development of overall curtain wall system, focusing on exterior proposed design options, the issues associated with each of them and discusses the underlying decision-making that led to the final documented option.


Shahzad shafique
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