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UPSC IES Test 2023: Up-to-Date Information, Schedule, Requirements, Pay, and Positions

Chegg India
UPSC IES Test 2023: Up-to-Date Information, Schedule, Requirements, Pay, and Positions

The UPSC administers the IES test, often known as the Indian Engineering Services exam. For the departments of the Union Government, take this exam. Also, it serves as a recruiting tool for engineers. Moreover, it has four categories. Which are:

Engineering, Civil

Electronic and telecommunication engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering

Speaking of the UPSC, there are nine people on its board. Since August 2020, Pradeep Kumar Joshi has served as the organization's chairman. The article also lists some of the council's responsibilities. Which are:

Read More: https://www.cheggindia.com/govt-exams/ies/

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