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Nightguard- A Protection of Teeth

Nightguard- A Protection of Teeth

A night guard is basically a device made of plastic that covers all or part of the teeth. It is typically used to prevent one from grinding his teeth while sleeping at night.

Types of nightguards

The types of Nightguards usually depend on the materials from which they are made:

Hard nightguards

These types of nightguards are built with acrylic and are used to treat TMJ and acute teeth grinding and clenching cases. Hard nightguards are most long-lasting one as they are made from a firm material.


Drug stores have over-the-counter nightguards that are one-size-fits-all. They are already pre-molded for fitting of any mouth.


A dentist uses professional materials and techniques to come up with a nightguard just for his patients as they are more comfortable. These are durable enough to last for several years if one can take proper care of it.

What is the night guard made of?

First, a dentist makes an impression on his patients’ top and bottom teeth. Then they make a plaster cast that is sent to a dental laboratory. The materials that they use are either soft, dual laminate, or hard acrylic. After that, they are shaped around the cast to create one’s, custom-fitted night guard.

Why are they used?

An individual would use a Nightguard if he is suffering from a condition known as bruxism. Bruxism is mainly a situation where unconsciously some people grind their teeth or clench their jaw when he is sleeping or under stress.

 The main aim of a nightguard is to separate one’s top and bottom teeth so they don’t damage each other from the pressure of grinding or clenching.

How can one clean a night guard?

A person can brush the night guard using a toothbrush and toothpaste and then rinse it with warm water. Also, the night guard should be stored in its protective case during the day, but it should keep dry and prevent any regrowth of bacteria.


Pros and cons of the dental nightguard

Below is the list that includes some of the pros and cons that come with selecting to use a dental Night guard:


  • A dental night guard secures the teeth from damage from clenching while sleeping.
  • Many people who clench their teeth experience several levels of jaw pain. And this jaw pain eventually leads to their experiencing ongoing headaches and even migraines.
  • Wearing a night guard allows one to get a better night’s sleep as night guards take the brunt of the force of clenching.
  • As compared to restorative dentistry, the cost of a dental nightguard is cheaper.


However, it often takes patients a few weeks to become accustomed to wearing a night guard.


Undoubtedly, a nightguard can be worn on either the top or bottom set of teeth for maximum protection against grinding. Moreover, comfort, as well as teeth condition, are the factors one should consider when making the decision to get a new nightguard for him.

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