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CompTIA Security+ Certification: Things You Need to Know!


The CompTIA Security+ certification is one of the most well-known and respected certifications in the cybersecurity industry. Also, it is the first security certification an applicant should obtain to build a career in the IT sector. 

However, passing this certification takes time and effort. But with the help of the CompTIA Security+ practice test from CertBlaster®, you can pass this certification in just one attempt. To learn more about this certification exam, read this blog post.

What is CompTIA Security+ certification? 

Security+ is an entry-level certification, offered by the non-profit trade organization CompTIA. It establishes the skills and abilities required to opt for any job role in the cybersecurity industry. By obtaining this certification, you'll get more employment opportunities by positioning yourself as a qualified applicant for the cybersecurity job role. 

Why Do People Opt for CompTIA Security+ Certification? 

Millions of people choose to pursue the CompTIA Security+ certification every year for several reasons. Here are a few common reasons: 

  • Career Advancement: 

One of the main reasons why people pursue Security+ certifications is to advance their careers in the cybersecurity field. Since it is a widely-recognized certification, it helps candidates stand out in the competitive job market. 

Some of the most common job titles for individuals with this certification include security analyst, security engineer, security consultant, and security administrator.

  • Industry-Standard: 

The CompTIA Security+ certification is acknowledged as an industry-standard certification, which indicates that businesses and organizations from a wide range of industries value and accept it. By acquiring this qualification, people can find employment opportunities all across the world.

  • In-Demand Skills: 

Since cybersecurity is an increasingly growing field, there's a very high demand for individuals who have the abilities and expertise necessary to protect systems and data. The CompTIA Security+ certification proves that persons have the abilities and expertise required to carry out this role. 

  • Comprehensive Knowledge: 

The Security + certification covers a wide range of topics, including network security, cryptography, identity management, and risk management. This means that individuals who hold the certification have a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of cybersecurity.

Faqs on Security+ certification

Is CompTIA security plus worth IT?

Yes, CompTIA Security+ is worth it. It is a great starting point for IT professionals who wants to go on to higher certifications. 

What is the format of the Security+ certification exam?

The Security+ certification exam consists of 90 questions. Candidates also have a 90 minutes time limit to complete the exam.

What is the passing score for the Security+ certification exam?

The passing score for the Security+ certification exam is 750 out of 900.

How long is the Security+ certification valid for?

The Security+ certification is valid for three years. 

Bottom Line

CertBlaster® offers the best CompTIA Security+ practice test for applicants who are preparing for this certification. Get the practice test now to pass the certification in just one attempt. For more information, visit our website now. 

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