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How Do You Get Adhesive Stuff Off Your Phone Case?

How Do You Get Adhesive Stuff Off Your Phone Case?

Most of us usually put stickers on the back of our phone cases. However, we come to take them off on a later day and are left with the dreaded residue on the case that looks like it is meant to forever stay on it. Have you ever been caught in such a situation? Perhaps you have. So what do you do? Some continue using the phone hoping that someday it will miraculously come off.

Others take a scrapper and try to scrape it off the back of their custom phone case

Well, there are many ways of getting the sticky residue off your phone case. Some methods are successful but end up destroying the surface beneath the residue which ultimately damages your phone case. Scraping your phone case is also not a good idea. Most people use a metal blade to do so and unknowingly scratch the phone case itself. However, here you will find the best way to remove the adhesive from your phone case. There are a couple of different ways to do so. Visit Mobspares to find the best phone cases across the globe.

How can I get adhesive off my phone case?

There are cleaning agents that are used to clean your phone case. But before you use a cleaning agent on your phone case, you need to make sure that your phone case material will not react with the agent. This is very crucial as you do not want to destroy the case before you start cleaning it. The cleaning agents contain very potent chemicals. This is why we will chip in some natural cleaning substances as an alternative for you. 

Steps to clean your phone case

The first thing is to remove the phone case from your phone. it is important to ensure you do not splash cleaning agents on your phone as it will damage it. Be sure to remove your phone case correctly. 

  • Water

Water is a natural substance. It can clean almost anything. Soapy water is all you need to return the phone case to its glory. Do not submerge the whole case in water as this will weaken the case’s material. Although it would be best to get a shockproof phone case. Just slightly rub it with a cloth dipped in soapy water and the sticky residue will come off. 

  • Baking soda

This substance can be made into a paste using oil or water. I prefer water since some cases are oil-absorbent. The interesting fact about baking soda is that it does all the work for you. It can take off stubborn sticky patches without you having to scratch or scrape them off. All you have to do is apply the paste mixture to the affected area. After a while when ready, wipe the baking soda paste off and watch the residue come off. 

Use either of these two methods and get the results you were looking for. For high-quality phone cases, visit https://mobspares.com/ today. 

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