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Equipment Is Required For Paragliding In Nandi Hills

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What Kind Of Equipment Is Required For Paragliding In Nandi Hills, And Where Can You Rent Or Purchase It? 

If you're planning to paraglide Nandi Hills, it's important to know what kind of equipment you'll need and where you can rent or purchase it. Paragliding requires specific gear, and having the right equipment is essential to ensure your safety and enjoyment. Here's what you need to know:

Equipment Required for Paragliding in Nandi Hills:

  1. Paraglider: A paraglider is the primary equipment used in paragliding. It's a fabric wing that allows you to soar through the air. It's important to choose a paraglider that is suitable for your skill level and the conditions of Nandi Hills.
  2. Harness: A harness is worn like a backpack and attaches to the paraglider. It keeps you secure and comfortable while you're in the air.
  3. Helmet: A helmet is a necessary safety precaution when paragliding. It protects your head from potential injuries.
  4. Reserve Parachute: A reserve parachute is a backup parachute that you carry with you in case of an emergency.

Where to Rent or Purchase Equipment:

If you're new to paragliding, it's best to rent equipment until you're more experienced. Here are some places in Nandi Hills where you can rent or purchase paragliding equipment:

  1. Fly Nirvana Paragliding School: This school offers equipment rentals and sales, as well as paragliding training courses.
  2. Temple Pilots: This paragliding school offers equipment rentals and sales, as well as tandem paragliding flights with experienced instructors.
  3. Adventure Sports: This outdoor activity center offers paragliding equipment rentals and sales, as well as other adventure activities in Nandi Hills.

Cost of Paragliding Equipment:

The cost of paragliding equipment can vary depending on the brand and quality of the gear. Renting equipment is usually cheaper than purchasing it. The paragliding cost in Nandi Hills can range from INR 20,000 to INR 1,00,000, depending on the type and quality of equipment.

In conclusion, paragliding in Nandi Hills requires specific equipment, including a paraglider, harness, helmet, and reserve parachute. It's essential to choose the right equipment to ensure your safety and enjoyment. You can rent or purchase equipment from various paragliding schools and activity centers in Nandi Hills. Remember that paragliding equipment can be expensive, so it's essential to factor in the cost when planning your nandi hills paragliding adventure.

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