The front end of a website is responsible for the appearance of the site, which means how colors, text, icons, and images appear. This includes creating responsive designs that adapt to screen sizes and devices. It also includes using coding to ensure sites are mobile-friendly and search engine-optimized.
Back-end web developers use a series of programs and servers to store the content for websites and applications and deliver it to users on request. They use a range of tools, including databases, to store and organize data and facilitate communication between the server and the client.
As part of a web developer's job duties, they must review and test their work before launching it to ensure it functions properly and is secure. They must also understand how to perform regular maintenance on their own and for their client's websites.
The best web developers pay close attention to detail and use logical thinking when developing software. These skills are essential in a job where errors can lead to big problems once the site goes live.
They also work with other members of the engineering team to understand how a new feature will fit into the site's overall design and function. Strong communication skills are important in this job, especially when debating the best solution to a complicated issue with other stakeholders.
It's not uncommon for developers to spend time meeting with their clients to discuss their goals and make sure the final website meets all of their requirements. They often collaborate with marketing and copywriting experts to ensure the site's content will be effective in reaching their target audience.