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NXP, Tongji University support road test intiative of intelligent connected vehicles-2023

NXP, Tongji University support road test intiative of intelligent connected vehicles-2023

Through the NXP-Tongji University Joint Lab, NXP Semiconductors, a provider of secured connectivity solutions, and Tongji University have extended their support for the launch and implementation of an intelligent connected vehicle road test initiative in China.

The purpose of the lab was to create bespoke connected car solutions for the Chinese market.

As part of the Shanghai Intelligent Transportation Systems Market Program, this road testing project will serve as the foundation for the country's development of smart transportation technologies

"Building sustainable cities necessitates the development of intelligent transportation systems."

Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2X) communications technology for automobiles and roadside infrastructure will be provided by NXP and its partner Cohda Wireless.

V2X correspondences information will be gathered continuously from different test situations during the tests.

The purpose of the lab was to create bespoke connected car solutions for the Chinese market.

As part of the Shanghai Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Demonstration Program, this road testing project will serve as the foundation for the country's development of smart transportation technologies.

"Creating smart transportation frameworks is crucial for building feasible urban areas."

Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2X) communications technology for automobiles and roadside infrastructure will be provided by NXP and its partner Cohda Wireless.

V2X communications data from a variety of test scenarios will be gathered in real time during the tests.

The carry out of street testing drive is an achievement for the Shanghai Shrewd and Associated Vehicle Show Program, which was sent off in October 2015.

Around 200 vehicles from other participating automakers and the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC), one of the leading domestic auto manufacturers, will participate in the program's first phase.

By 2017, the program hopes to have 1,000 intelligent and connected cars, 5,000 by the end of 2019, and 10,000 by 2020.

The latest generation of NXP's RoadLINK solution, which is based on the IEEE 802.11p wireless communication protocol, will be used by the vehicles and transportation infrastructure units participating in the road tests to provide enhanced levels of privacy and security.

Li Zheng, the president of NXP Greater China, stated: To further advance the Shanghai Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Demonstration Program, we are pleased to collaborate with SAIC and Tongji University.

"Building cities that are sustainable requires the development of intelligent transportation systems.

"NXP is truly honored to offer the proven reliability of RoadLINK technology and our deep automotive expertise for the creation of world-class intelligent transportation systems in China," stated NXP, "as a global leader in secure connected vehicle solutions and autonomous driving platforms."

Zou Qingquan, the head of the Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Program at SAIC, stated: One of the first companies to use intelligent and connected vehicles was SAIC, and the company has been actively promoting the use of V2X technology in China.

"We anticipate working with our industry accomplices to propel the improvement of the Shanghai Insightful Associated Vehicles Show Program."

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